News from PEAK/GPEAK Section
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May 9, 2016
View Your Grades 2015 A Semester Make-up Exam
Notification of 2015 A Semester Make-up Exam Grade Reports:
May 18 (Wed) 10:00 a.m.~
Check your grade reports on UTask-Web through "Grades"→"Check Your Grades". Please print out by yourself or download the PDF.
*Grade Reports and Grade Scores cannot be viewed online (UTask-Web) from May 10 (Tue) to May 18 (Wed) 10:00 a.m..
*Grades will be changed for courses that you have taken the make-up exam.
*Note that if your score in a make-up exam is lower than the score received in the end-of-semester exam, the end-of-semester exam score will be recorded in your grade report for that semester.