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Last modified on March 23, 2017

News from PEAK/GPEAK Section

All Students March 23, 2017

2017 S Semester (S1/S2 Term) Syllabus

2017 S Semester (S1/S2 Term) Syllabus can been seen online.
Log in to UTask-Web and click "Syllabus"-"View Syllabus".

*Classroom change/ timetable change may occur, so please check the bulletin board or "Course Information" before attending classes.

(Syllabus Booklets and Communter Certificate Distribution)

Please pick up the following booklets and leaflets, etc before attending classes.

1. Syllabus and Timetables booklet
2. April -entry student's Syllabus and Timetables booklet (If necessary)
3. Leaflet of "How to Register for Courses"
4. New Proof of Commuting (tsuugaku teiki jyousha kounyuu shoumeisho) (If necessary)

Distribution period: March 29 (Wed)  ~ April 4 (Tue)
Distribution time: 9:00AM ~ 4:50PM
Place: PEAK/GPEAK Section Counter (Admin. Bldg 1F, Counter no.2)

*Please show your Student ID card at the counter.

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