News from PEAK/GPEAK Section
All Students
October 26, 2017
Reguest for Cooperation to Questionnaire for Comprehensive Reformation of UTokyo Undergraduate Education
October 23, 2017
Reguest for Cooperation to Questionnaire for Comprehensive
Reformation of UTokyo Undergraduate Education
Dear Students,
The University of Tokyo introduced a new academic calendar and class schedule in 2015
as part of the comprehensive reform of its undergraduate education system. Two years
have passed since these reforms were implemented, and the university is carrying out a
questionnaire in order to evaluate their effect. We would be extremely grateful to receive
your valuable input.
The information collected in this questionnaire will be used only for statistical analysis
of the reforms outlined above, and no identifying information will be made available in the
reporting of the results.
To answer the questionnaire, log in to UTAS,click. “Enguete”-“Answer screen” from the menu.
Survey period : Monday,October 23 to Tuesday,November 7.