News from PEAK/GPEAK Section
All Students
March 7, 2018
Notification of Grade Reports, Submission of Grade Confirmation Request for A Semester, A1/A2 Term AY 2017: Mar. 8 (Thu) 10:00 a.m.~ Important
<Notification of Grade Reports: March 8 (Thu) 10:00 a.m.~ >
Check your grade reports on UTAS through “Grade”→”Junior Division”→“Check Status of Evaluation”. Please print out by yourself or download the PDF.
Check the following to read your grade report.
Year 1: How to read the Grade Report for 1A Semester (A1/A2 Term)
Year 2: How to read the Grade Report for 2A Semest (A1/A2 Term)
<Grade Score Disclosure Period>
You will be able to view your grade scores on UTAS “Grade”→”Junior Division”→“View Grade Score” from March 15 (Thu) 10:00AM. (Tentative)
<About the Grade Confirmation Request Procedure>
The registration period for Grade Confirmation Request will be from 10:00 a.m. March 8 (Thu) to 4:50 p.m. March 9 (Fri) on UTAS. For details, refer to the following PDF file.
- About the Grade Confirmation Request Procedure
<Transcripts to be updated from April 2 (Mon) 10:00 AM>
Your transcript of academic records including grades for A Semester 2017 can be issued through automatic certificate-issuing machines from April 2 (Mon) 10:00AM.