News from PEAK/GPEAK Section
All Students April 6, 2022
Class Format for 2022S Semester PEAK Junior Division Courses
For the class format for 2022S Semester PEAK Junior Division courses, please refer to the folloiwng points:
- PEAK courses for 2022 S Semester will be offered online up to the second class, and the class format will change from the third class, depending on the course.
- Please be sure to check the UTAS syllabus and ITC-LMS for the class format of each session.
- Classrooms for face-to-face classes are listed in the UTAS syllabus.
- Even if face-to-face classes are scheduled, there is a possibility that some courses will be changed to online courses due to the spread of COVID 19 infection or the large percentage of online learning.
(If the class format is changed in the middle of the Semester/Term, the course instructor will notify you.)
- Courses for the April-entry students will be conducted face-to-face in principle except for the first two classes. Moreover, there are some face-to-face courses that cannot be taken online due to the course method or the conditions of the instructor. It is not permitted to request for April-entry students' course to be offered online for being abroad.
・Course Registration for 2022S Semester (S1/S2 Term)
・Submission Procedure of Registration Approval Card (Rishu-nintei-kado) for 2022S Semester (S1/S2 Term)