News from PEAK/GPEAK Section
All Students
July 20, 2022
Make-up Exam Registration for 2022S Semester Important
If you are absent from a Regular Exam or receive a grade of "F/Fail" for some Foundation Courses, you may request to take a make-up exam. Note that some courses where grades are based on continuous assessment do not offer make-up exams. Likewise, make-up exams are not offered for Intermediate Courses, Integrated Courses, and Thematic Courses.
PEAK courses that apply for this time are Mathematical Sciences and Material and Life Sciences. Criteria that apply are Criteria A and Criteria C.
<Criteria A> 1st-year students only
Those acknowledged as having been absent from the Regular Exam due to illness, accident, or other unforeseen circumstances
Registration method: Submit the form "Make-up Exam (Absence) Request" and an official document such as a medical certificate to PEAK/GPEAK Section, Academic Affairs Division.
Eligible courses: Mathematical Sciences, Material and Life Sciences
Submission period: Tuesday, August 2 to 4:50 pm on Tuesday, August 9 (Strictly observed)
Form of "Make-up Exam (Absence) Request": Make-up_Exam_Absence_Request_CriteriaAandB.pdf
After the requests are screened, a list of students who are given permission to take the make-up exam will be informed via email.
<Criteria A> 2nd-year students only
Those acknowledged as having been absent from the Regular Exam due to illness, accident, or other unforeseen circumstances
Registration method: Submit the form "August Make-up Exam Request" and an official document such as a medical certificate to PEAK/GPEAK Section, Academic Affairs Division.
Eligible courses: Mathematical Sciences, Material and Life Sciences
Submission period: Monday, August 1 to 4:50 pm on Tuesday, August 2 (Strictly observed)
For details, please refer to the following notification.
<Criteria C>
Those who were absent from the Regular Exam, or received a grade of "F/Fail"
Registration method: Make a request via the "Regisitration for Make-up Exams" screen after logging in to UTAS
Eligible courses: Mathematical Sciences, Material and Life Sciences
Registration period: Friday, September 9 to 4:50 pm on Tuesday, September 13 (Strictly observed)
*After logging in to UTAS, click "Grade">"Exam-Period Exam">"Register for Make-up Exams". Then, tick the checkbox for the course you wish to register for and click the register (or confirm) button. Please log out and reopen the registration screen and check if the course is appeared with check to confirm that you have completed your registration.
-Refer to the PEAK Academic Handbook pp.56-58 for details about the Make-up Exams.
-The above deadlines are strictly observed. Submissions after the deadline will not be accepted.
-The methods, dates, and time periods for the Make-up Exams will be notified in September.