News from PEAK/GPEAK Section
All Students
May 15, 2023
View Your Grades for 2022 A Semester Make-up Exam: May 16 (Tue) 10:00~
Notification of 2022 A Semester Make-up Exam Grade Reports: May 16 (Tue) 10:00AM
Check your grade reports on UTAS through "Grades" → "Junior Division" → "Check Status of Evaluation ". Please print it out by yourself or download the PDF.
*Grades will be changed only for the courses that you have taken the make-up exams.
*Note that if your score in a make-up exam is lower than the score received in the end-of-semester exam, the end-of-semester exam score will be recorded in your grade report for that semester.
<Grade Confirmation Request>
If you have received the grades "F", "Fail" or "Absent" and believe there is an obvious error in the evaluation, you can request a confirmation of grade evaluation.
For requesting a grade confirmation, you need to state a specific reason. The grades will be corrected if the course instructor finds that there is an error in the grading based on the stated reason.
Submission period: May 16(Tue) 10:00AM- May 17 (Wed) 4:50PM [Observe Strictly]
The grade confirmation request can be submitted using the online form from the following URL.
Please sign in with your email address (your ten digits and password (same as for UTokyo account).
(available until May 17 (Wed) 4:50PM)
Transcripts will be updated in late May. (Tentative)