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Last modified on February 21, 2017

News from PEAK/GPEAK Section

Year 2 February 21, 2017

(To JEA students) JEA Summer/Winter School Policy

Dear JEA students,

Some of you may be planning to join winter schools. While we welcome the idea of the summer/winter school as a great opportunity for you to expand your horizons, we also would like you to concentrate on the study at the University of Tokyo each semester as much as possible. In particular, we do not want you to lose credits, which otherwise you could earn, due to the time conflicts with your summer school program(s).
In order to prevent any confusion or misunderstandings on both sides, students and instructors, we have revised our policy related to the summer/winter school programs. The new rules are as follows:
- If you miss four (4) or more classes of a semester-based (or semester-long) course due to your participation in a summer/winter school program, you will receive NO credits for the course.
- Likewise, if you miss two (2) or more classes of a term-based (or term-long) course due to your participation in a summer/winter school program, you will receive NO credits for the course.
- Please note that some instructors, particularly those of non-JEA courses, have a stricter attendance policy than the above regulation. In that case, you have to follow the professor’s instruction.
Basically, there should be no negotiation between the instructor and the student concerning this matter. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you apply for the summer/winter course that has no (or limited) time conflicts with the courses offered by the University of Tokyo, if you are concerned about credits.
Please note that this rule applies only to the participation in winter/summer schools. For other reasons, please contact the instructor of each course.

Best wishes,

  Shiho Maeshima (Program Director)
Takashi Shimizu (Curriculum Manager)

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