News from PEAK/GPEAK Section
Year 2 September 10, 2019
(Repost)Make-up Exam registration for S Semester 2019 Important
<Criteria A>
Those acknowledged as having been absent from the Regular Exam due to illness, accident, or other unforeseen circumstances.
Eligible courses: Foreign Languages (Japanese)(First Year Students only), Mathematical Sciences, Material and Life Sciences
Submission period:
・First Year Students (Foreign Languages (Japanese)), and Second Year Students→From July 26 (Fri) 9:00 a.m. to July 30 (Tue) 4:50 p.m. at PEAK/GPEAK Section counter (Counter No.2)
・First Year Students (Mathematical Sciences, Material and Life Sciences)→From August 1 (Thu) 9:00 a.m. to August 9 (Fri) 4:50 p.m. at PEAK/GPEAK Section counter (Counter No.2)
-Must submit the form "Make-up Exam (Absence) Request" (Issued and obtain at the PEAK/GPEAK Section: Counter No. 2), and official document, such as a medical certificate or traffic accident report.
<Criteria C>
Those who were absent from the Regular Exam, or received a grade of "F/Fail"
Eligible courses: Mathematical Sciences, Material and Life Sciences
Submission period: From September 10 (Tue) 10:00 a.m. to September 12 (Thu) 4:50 p.m. through UTAS
-Tick the checkbox for the course you will register on UTAS screen and click register (or confirm) button (Log in >"Grade">"Exam-Period Exam">"Register for Make-up Exams"). When you log out and reopen the registration screen, and if the course is/are appeared with check, it means you have completed your registration. (Updated: Sep. 9, 2019)
・Refer to the PEAK Academic Handbook P.56-58 for details about the Make-up Exam.
・The above deadlines are strictly observed.
*There was an error on the Make-up Exam registration screen that Mathematical Sciences courses were not displayed, and the error is solved now. (Updated: Sep. 10, 2019)
(Last update: July 25 Sep. 10, 2019)