News from PEAK/GPEAK Section
All Students September 18, 2024
(Update) 2024A Semester (A1/A2 Term) Syllabus is now available on UTAS Important
Syllabuses for A Semester (A1/A2 Term) became open. Each course information can be seen online through UTAS from "Syllabus" → "Search Syllabus by the following criteria" or "Free Search".
For April-entry student's courses, please refer to the Japanese website:
《Syllabus booklets and leaflets》
The syllabus and timetables booklet for A Semester (A1/A2 Term) 2024 and other leaflets will be distributed to the 2nd year PEAK students at the PEAK/GPEAK Section Counter (Admin. Bldg 1F, Counter no.2) from Tuesday, September 24. Please come to the counter to pick up the handouts well before classes start. Also, the syllabus and timetables can be downloaded in PDF format from the link below:
PEAK_JuniorDiv_Syllabus_Timetabels2024A_0924update .pdf