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Last modified on September 25, 2024

News from PEAK/GPEAK Section

All Students September 24, 2024

(Update) 2024A Semester (A1/A2 Term) Syllabus and Timetables distribution  Important

The class schedules, classroom/ timetable of courses are subject to change throughout the year, so please refer to the relevant information through UTAS, UTOL, and the Junior Division website before attending classes.

《Syllabus booklets and leaflets》
PDF Syllabus and Timetables and leaflets, etc are now available on this webpage as well as at the counter.

1. PEAK Syllabus and Timetables Updated: The digital file in PDF format is available from the link below:
PEAK_JuniorDiv_Syllabus_Timetabels2024A_0924update .pdf

2024A Semester (A1/A2 Term) web syllabus for each course are available on UTAS.
2. Leaflet of "How to Register for Courses" :
for Year 2 : Click here
for Year 1: Click here
3. April -entry student's Timetables booklet (If necessary):
Downloadable from the following site: http://www.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/zenki/syllabus/ThisYear.html
4. Commuter Certificate will be distributed at the counter (If necessary).
Please make sure to update your contact information registered on UTAS.

<For Year 2 students>
Please present your Student ID card at the counter, when receiving the handouts.
Distribution period: From September 24 (Tue)
Distribution time: 10:00AM - 12:30PM & 1:30PM - 4:00PM
Place:PEAK/GPEAK Section Counter (Admin. Bldg 1F, Counter no.2)

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