News from PEAK/GPEAK Section
Year 2 June 7, 2022
(For Year 2 students) Registration of Preferences for Senior Division Important
To 2nd year PEAK students:
2022 Senior Course Selection (Shingaku Sentaku)/ Registration of Preferences for Senior Division
All 2nd year PEAK students must register your Senior Division course preference. If registration is not done within the following period, it will be taken that you do not have an intention to advance to the Senior Division.
- Registration Period: from June 22 (Wed) 10:00 AM to June 27 (Mon) 4:50 PM (Japan time)
- Registration Method: Register online through UTAS (Registration Manual)
*Please follow the manual to register correctly.
【Note】 If you do not meet the eligibility of Senior Course Selection (Shingaku Sentaku) at the end of 2S Semester, your matriculation acceptance will be revoked, resulting in a repeat year (Ryu-nen).
The eligibility of Senior Course Selection will be available to check from 10:00 AM on August 19 (Fri).
For the schedule, please refer to the Submission Schedules 【Year 2 Senior Course Selection (Shingaku-sentaku ) Procedure】 from the following URL.
Photograph submission for the Senior Division Student ID card
Please prepare your digital photo and submit it to the PEAK/GPEAK Section within the period from June 20 (Mon) to June 24 (Fri). The submission method will be notified on UTAS separately at a later date.