HOME > Senior Division (Years 3&4) > News

Last modified on September 19, 2024


26.06.2020 Others
Service Counters Resume from June 29, 2020 (Office Hours Will Be Shortened)
25.06.2020 Others
To Students from the areas affected by the earthquake happened in Chiba Prefecture on June 25 Important
18.06.2020 Exams
(Message from Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences) On final exams Important
【Important:16 June updated】Changing of Services Regarding the Komaba Library Response to the Novel Coronavirus Disease
16.06.2020 Events
[From Globalization Office] Lecture event by Delegation of the EU to Japan
15.06.2020 Others
Submission of "Graduation Thesis" and "Graduation Thesis Title Notification Sheet" by Students Graduating from Faculty of Arts and Sciences in August 2020 (updated on Jun 15) Important
08.06.2020 Others
[From International Student Support Room]Dear International students and researchers
08.06.2020 Others
[From Globalization Office] IELTS Information Session
04.06.2020 Others
Financial Support for Students Affected by the Spread of the Novel Coronavirus: Application for "Emergency Student Support Handout for Continuing Studies"
04.06.2020 Others
[From General Affairs Division] Notice - Postponement of campus clean-up at Komaba
03.06.2020 Others
Update your Zoom app
03.06.2020 Others
MEXT Emergency Student Support Handout for Continuing Studies New
22.05.2020 Housing
[For Undergraduate Senior Division Students / Graduate School Students] Resident Assistant for PEAK Students (September 2020)
21.05.2020 Others
[From Komaba Library] Mailing service of borrowing books and photocopying materials
20.05.2020 Others
The UTokyo Emergency Assistance Grant Important
20.05.2020 Others
Tuition fee exemption for international students who are suddenly facing financial difficulties due to the spread of COVID-19 Important
15.05.2020 Others
【GO Advisors】Study Abroad Advising ONLINE!
13.05.2020 Others
[Komaba Library] Ebook textbooks list for the S Semester Term AY 2020
12.05.2020 Others
[To JEA Students Graduating in August 2020] Submission of "Graduation Thesis Title Notification Sheet" Deadline: Friday, May 29 Important
12.05.2020 Classes
Caution: Rules for Online Classes Important
08.05.2020 Others
[Updated] Submission of "Graduation Thesis" and "Graduation Thesis Title Notification Sheet" by Students Graduating from Faculty of Arts and Sciences in August 2020 Important
08.05.2020 Classes
[To students who entered the Senior Division on or before AY2019] Notice of Cross-disciplinary Program "Trilingual East Asian Studies"
24.04.2020 Others
[Revised]Notice of Tuition Fee Payment & Direct Debit Important
24.04.2020 Classes
List of Classroom and Timetable Changes is updated.
24.04.2020 Others
Handling of Credits Earned at Overseas Universities ※Application Deadline: Friday, May 15 Important
08.04.2020 Others
NOTICE of Closure GO Counter Service
07.04.2020 Others
Office Hours Change due to COVID 19 (April 8, 2020 - )
02.04.2020 Classes
Registration Forms for Sub-programs and others AY2020
02.04.2020 Classes
Registration for Sub-programs and others (PEAK Senior Division AY2020)
02.04.2020 Others
[Updated][From Student Support Division] Exemptions/ Deferred Payment of Tuition for the First Half of 2020
01.04.2020 Others
Notice of Tuition Fee Payment & Direct Debit
01.04.2020 Classes
[To ES Students Graduating in March 2021] Registration of "Special Seminar" and "Special Research Work"
01.04.2020 Classes
2020 S Semester Timetables and Other Handouts
01.04.2020 Classes
Request for change from Senior Division Liberal Art Courses to Liberal Arts Courses for Advanced Students
01.04.2020 Classes
Note Introductory third foreign language courses that are offered jointly with the Junior Division courses Important
01.04.2020 Classes
S Semester (including S1 and S2 Terms) AY 2020 Course Registration Important
27.03.2020 Others
[Important]Closing the gates except for main gate at Komaba Campus (After Match 27th)
27.03.2020 Others
To current and new students who have returned to or entered Japan on or after March 1st
27.03.2020 Others
The status of the Komaba Campus regarding novel coronavirus infections has moved from Stage Yellow to Stage Orange Important
26.03.2020 Others
Notice for Students: Ban on Extra Curricular Activities and Club/Circle Recruiting Activities in UTokyo
25.03.2020 Others
Closing the gates at Komaba Campus due to entrance procedures (12:00 a.m. Thursday, March 26 - 17:00 p.m. Friday, March 27)
25.03.2020 Classes
S Semester 2020 Timetables is uploaded. Important
19.03.2020 Others
Message from Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences/ the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (For Students): On our course offering from April 2020 onwards Important
13.03.2020 Others
To Students from the areas affected by the earthquake happened in Ishikawa Prefecture on March 13 Important
12.03.2020 Others
List of Graduands for Spring 2020, College of Arts and Sciences (PEAK) Important
12.03.2020 Others
Automatic Certificate Issuing Machines will be Out of Service : March 31, 3:00 p.m. - April 1, 10:00 a.m.
10.03.2020 Others
Responding to infectious disease outbreak of the novel coronavirus: updated on March 10 Important
09.03.2020 Others
Office Hours Change from March to April, 2020
09.03.2020 Others
Submission of "Graduation Thesis" and "Graduation Thesis Title Notification Sheet" by Students Graduating from Faculty of Arts and Sciences in August 2020 Important
09.03.2020 Others
Application Form: 2020/2021 Autumn Semester CAMPUS Asia Undergraduate Student Exchange Program with Yuanpei College, Peking University and College of Liberal Studies, Seoul National University

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