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Last modified on September 14, 2020

News from PEAK/GPEAK Section

Year 2 September 11, 2020

2020A Semester (A1/A2 Term) Syllabus and handouts distribution 

Please make sure to refer to the PEAK syllabus booklet and leaflets, etc. for your study in the A Semster (A1/A2 Term) . You can view or download the digital versions, by clicking the following titles:

1. 2020 PEAK Syllabus and Timetables A Semester (A1/A2 Term)
2. PDF Syllabus and Digital Book for April-entry student's courses are available at the following site: http://www.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/zenki/syllabus/ThisYear.html
3. How to Register for Courses (for the second year students)
4. List of GLP Designated Courses for A Semester (A1/A2 Term) 2020 (PEAK Students) (If necessary)

Syllabus Booklet and handouts distribution
Distribution period: September 17 (Tue) ~ (only for the second year students)
Distribution time: 10:00AM ~4:00PM (Except for lunch time from 12:30 to 13:30)
Place:PEAK/GPEAK Section Counter (Admin. Bldg 1F, Counter no.2)

Please present your Student ID card at the counter.

- For more detailed course information, syllabus for 2020 A Semester (A1/A2 Term) courses can be seen through UTAS. Please log in to UTAS and click "Syllabus".
- Class schedules and timetable are subject to change throughout the year, so please check the UTAS and the "Course Information" on the left side menu of this website regularly.

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