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Last modified on November 4, 2022


Classes November 3, 2022

【UNU-IAS】UNU Global Seminar

Theme: The 38th UNU Global Seminar
"Energy Sustainability in the Anthropocene ~ Transforming Lifestyles for Carbon Neutrality ~"

Dates and Time: Sat. 3 December 2022; 13:00 - 17:00 JST
Sun. 4 December 2022; 13:00 - 17:00 JST
Sat. 10 December 2022; 13:00 - 17:00 JST
(Consultation Time: Wed. 7 December 2022; 18:30 - 20:30 JST)
Modality: Online (Zoom)
Language: English
Expected Participants: 100
Participant Fee: 30,000 JPY

Details: https://ias.unu.edu/en/admissions/certificate/unu-global-seminars.html#overview

Application Deadline: 7 November 2022; 12:00 JST
If you would like to apply, please contact PEAK/GPEAK Section by email.
gpeak.admin.c*gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp(Please replace "*" with "@", when you send the email.)

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment reports have affirmed that global warming is caused by anthropogenic activities. Most of the energy that drives society is fossil fuels, which cause global warming. We need to rapidly transform the current social system. In the 38th Global Seminar we will discuss how to change lifestyles, focusing on living and work.
The seminar enables participants to interact with leaders in diverse fields of expertise, raising awareness of the global challenges facing contemporary society. Through step-by-step group work, participants will also develop the ability to respond to global issues that have multiple dimensions. Through discussions and preparing presentations using the World Café method (small-group, interchangeable dialogue), the seminar will expand the network of participating students from other universities and those who specialise in different fields.

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