Research Supervision Received at Partner Institution
If you would like to receive research supervision at graduate school or research institution inside or outside of Japan, first receive a Request for Approval of Research Supervision Received at Partner Institution *In Japanese from the section in charge, fill in a form, obtain seals from the academic advisor and the head of the department and return this form to that section.
The time period must not exceed one year. However, Ph.D. students may extend the time period for another year. Tuition fee during the period abroad must be paid since you retain enrolled status.
When you have been accepted as a DC1/ DC2 research fellow for the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), you must submit the “特別研究員海外渡航届(様式7) to the JSPS at least one month before your departure. Please contact the relevant section for further instructions soon after you plan your trip.