|About courses|About examination|About UTAS|Tuition Fee, Scholarships|
|Certificates, Change of address/name, etc.|Study Abroad, Leave of Absence, Withdrawal|Others|
About courses
- What do I do if I cannot attend a class?
- There is no office paperwork necessary for missing classes. However, if you wish to explain the reason, contact your instructor in person.
- How can I contact my instructor?
- Please log-in to UTAS, and click "Bulletin board" from "Usual Menu" on the left side of the screen. Select "Notices" under "List of Genres", change to sort by "Genres" and then click "学習アドバイス制度について / Study Advisory System" from Notice board/List of Notices. For PEAK instructors, see P.29 of the Attached File:20170622gakusyu-ichiran.pdf Note that it only displays permanent professors at Komaba campus, whom you can contact.
For part-time and visiting professors that you do not see on the list, talk to them before or after classes. - Information on class cancellation is not reflected on UTAS.
- For sudden cancellations of classes, there may be some lag before the information is reflected on UTAS or the University website. Also, some professors inform of class cancellations in class only, in which case the information will not be posted on UTAS or the University website.
Be sure to check the bulletin board when you come to campus. - When and where shall I turn in the report?
- Basically, follow the instruction given by the professor for each class. If you are told to submit the report in the 'report box' in the Academic Affairs Division, there is a box in front of the Counter no. 3 in the Administration building. The deadline is 4:50 p.m. unless otherwise stated.
About examination
- I cannot take the end-of-semester exams due to illness. What should I do?
- If the course offers a make-up exam, apply and take it. Processes (i.g. application procedure, documents to be submitted, due date, maximum score of the exam) may vary depending on the course, so be sure to check the "Academic Hanbook" in advance. If the course does not offer a make-up exam, you need to take the course again next semester onward .
- I cannot find exam schedules for Specialized Courses on UTAS.
- You might find the information from the link posted under "Notice" screen (not under "Check Your Exam Detail"). Also, check for other related information posted there. Some faculties post information on Specialized Courses on their Academic Affairs Division website. Click here to access each faculty's website.
About UTAS
- What is UTAS?
- It is an online system used for study related procedures in the Junior Division, including registering for courses, viewing class cancellations and grade reports. To use the system, you need your common ID and password assigned upon enrollment. You can learn more from here.
- What can be done on UTAS?
- Most of the office procedures, including checking class cancellations and classroom changes, course registration, viewing grade reports can be done on UTAS.
- I don't know how to use the UTAS.
- Refer to "UTAS User Manual for Students" on the top page of this website for detailed instruction. If that doesn't help you, ask Academic Affairs Division (counter no.2: PEAK students, counter no.3: April-entry students).
- I forgot my common ID/password.
- If you forget your UTokyo Account password, you can sign back into your account by following the steps from here. For your ID and password, make inquiries to the counter in Information Building West wing.
Tuition Fees, Scholarships
- I'd like to know about tuition fee.
- Click here for details.
- When is the withdrawl date for tuition fees?
- The fee for the Summer semester is withdrawn in late May, and the Winter semester in late November.Click here for details.
- I'd like to change my automatic withdrawal account.
- Obtain "Application Form for Tuition Fee Payment by Direct Debit" at Academic Affairs Division (counter no.2: PEAK students, counter no. 3: April-entry students). After completing necessary procedures at the bank, submit the form back to the counter.
- Is there a tuition fee exemption?
- Click here for details.
- I'd like to know about scholarships.
- Click here for details.
Certificates, Change of address/name, etc.
- I'd like to have some certificates (Student Travel Discount Certificate etc.) issued.
- You can issue certificates using the automatic certificate-issuing machine on the first floor of the Administration Building. You need your student ID card (student ID number), Common ID and password issued by the Information Technology Center. Click here for details.
- I have changed my address and phone number.
- Register your new address and phone number on UTAS. Refer to "UTAS User Manual for Students" for instruction.
- My name has changed.
- Register your new name at Academic Affairs Division (counter no.2: PEAK Students, counter no. 3: April-entry Students). You need a document veryfying your identification (i.e. certificate of residence).
- My parents (or guardian) have moved. How should I change my guardian information?
- Register the new information at Academic Affairs Division (counter no.2: PEAK students, counter no.3: April-entry students). Obtain "Change of Personal Information Form (Guardian)" and please submit it after filling in the informaion.
Study Abroad, Leave of Absence, Withdrawal
- I'd like to study abroad.
- The University offers various study abroad programs or exchange programs. To make a plan, find and apply for you want to study, please visit the Go Global Website and Global Komaba websites. If you are going to take a leave to study abroad at an institution or language school not through the UTokyo, you need to submit "Request for Leave of Absence" with the reason stated as "Overseas Study" to Academic Affairs Division (counter no.2: PEAK students, counter no.3: April-entry students). For further details, please make inquiries at the counter of the Academic Affairs Division in advance.
- What is the procedure for taking a leave of absence?
- Complete and submit "Request for Leave of Absence" (available at the Academic Affairs Division (counter no.2: PEAK students, counter no.3: April-entry students)) to the counter. You must fall under the "Reasons for Leave of Absence" stipulated in the University of Tokyo General Rules. Requests will not be accepted in the case of outstanding tuition payment. Other documents might be required depending on the reason, so consult the counter first.
- What is the procedure for withdrawing from the University?
- Pick up, complete and submit "Request for Withdrawal" at/to the Academic Affairs Division (counter no.2: PEAK students, counter no.3: April-entry students). Requests will not be accepted in the case of outstanding tuition. Consult the counter for details.
- Where is the lost-and-found?
- Student ID card are stored at Academic Affairs Division (counter no.2: PEAK students, counter no.3: April-entry students). All the other items go to counter no.8 (Student Support Section).
- I lost my student ID card.
- If you cannot find it anywhere, apply for reissuance at Academic Affairs Division (counter no.2: PEAK students, counter no.3: April-entry students) (fees charged). It takes about 2 weeks to be reissued.