HOME > Junior Division (Years 1&2) > News

Last modified on July 25, 2024


25.07.2024 Year 2
Fri, Sep 30: PEAK Senior Division Guidance
23.07.2024 All Students
【From GlobE Komaba】2024A Recruitment of "Campus tour guides & Student supporters"
19.07.2024 All Students
(Update: July19))Exam-Period Exam Schedule for S Semester (S1/S2 Term) 2024 Important
18.07.2024 All Students
Review Your Contact Information on UTAS Important
17.07.2024 All Students
Make-up Exam Registration for 2024S Semester Important
17.07.2024 Year 2
[For Year 2 students] Make-up Exam (Criteria A) Registration for 2024S Semester
16.07.2024 Year 1
Application for Long-term Study System
12.07.2024 Others
[From Student Support Division] Confirmation of the situation of students affected by the disaster caused by the heavy rain that began on July 9, 2024
09.07.2024 All Students
From Globalization Office: Parttime Job Offer / GS Student Staff in 2024A
09.07.2024 All Students
List of Supplementary Classes is updated.
03.07.2024 Year 1
Notification of 1S1 Term Grade Report Important
03.07.2024 All Students
[From Globalization office] Study Abroad Post-Return Presentations
27.06.2024 All Students
【From Student Support Division】Application Procedure Exemptions / Deferred Payment of Tuition Fee for the Second Half of AY 2024 Important
27.06.2024 All Students
From Globalization Office: Lunchtime Lecture in English (ZOOM) "Political Cartoon and Nationalism: Occupied Palestine in the Works of Naji al-Ali (1983-1987)" on July 4 (Thu) 12:15-13:00
26.06.2024 All Students
(From Globalization Office) Study Abroad Pre-departure Presentation
26.06.2024 All Students
Application Procedure Exemptions / Deferred Payment of Tuition Fee for the Second Half of AY 2024
21.06.2024 Year 2
(Repost)(For Year 2 students) Registration of Preferences for Senior Division(~Jun.25(Tue)4:50p.m) Important
19.06.2024 All Students
【From GlobE Komaba】"BON Dance & TANABATA party!" Cultural×Exchange Event(Friday, July 5)
17.06.2024 Year 2
Notification of 2S1 Term Grade Report Important
13.06.2024 Others
(From Globalization Office) Shabe-Lunch|Talk with students who have studied abroad
13.06.2024 All Students
Disposal of Abandoned Bicycles on Komaba Ⅰ campus (Notice period set until 25 June, Retention periiod until 23 July)
06.06.2024 Year 2
(For Year 2 students) Registration of Preferences for Senior Division Important
04.06.2024 All Students
(Repost) Students Health Check-ups for FY2024 (Available at Hongo or Kashiwa now)
03.06.2024 Others
From Globalization Office: 「Australian Multiculturalism Today」Lecture in English on June 24 (Mon) 19:00-20:30
【Student Support Division】Confirmation of the situation for students following the earthquake centered in the Noto region of Ishikawa Prefecture.
31.05.2024 All Students
【From GlobE Komaba】 "Discover KABUKI " - Cultural ×Exchange Event(Date: 6/20, Deadline: 6/9)
29.05.2024 Others
[From Center for Global Education] Upcoming International Exchange Events
28.05.2024 All Students
(Repost) Submission Procedure of Registration Approval Card (Rishu-nintei-kado) for 2024S Semester (S2 Term)
28.05.2024 All Students
(Repost)[for S2 Term Courses] Review/Correction period / Submission period of Registration Approval Card (~Jun.14(Fri)4:50p.m) Important
28.05.2024 Year 2
Grade Reports will NOT be available from June 7 Important
28.05.2024 Year 1
Grade Reports will NOT be available from June 27 Important
27.05.2024 Others
[From Globalization Office]GS/GSA Lunchtime Gatherings in June on June 4 (Tue) & 18 (Tue) 12:20-12:50
24.05.2024 All Students
Exam-Period Exam Schedule for S Semester (S1/S2 Term) 2024 (Update:May 24) Important
20.05.2024 All Students
Notice - Tuesday June 11 Campus Clean-up at Komaba (June 12 in case of rain)
17.05.2024 All Students
[From International Student Support Room ] Global Career seminar "Get to know "teamLab"
15.05.2024 All Students
List of Supplementary Classes is updated.
15.05.2024 All Students
Exam-Period Exam Schedule for S Semester (S1/S2 Term) 2024 (Update:May 15) Important
13.05.2024 All Students
Notification of 2023 A Semester Make-up Exam Grade Reports: May 14 (Tue) 10:00AM
03.05.2024 All Students
(Repost) 【Participation】Request Regarding the Information Security Education for All Users of the University's Information System Important
26.04.2024 All Students
【From GlobE Komaba】 "Dodgebee Games & Party" - International Exchange×Sports Event(Friday, May 24)
25.04.2024 All Students
Office Hours(2024 April-July)
24.04.2024 All Students
(Reminder) Course Registration for 2024S Semester (S1/S2 Term) Important
22.04.2024 All Students
【From Globalization Office】GS/GSA Gathering "Letting Sakura Go" on April 25 (Thu) 19:00-20:30
19.04.2024 All Students
[From Center for Global Education] Short-Term Summer Study Abroad Programs
18.04.2024 Year 2
Grade Reports will NOT be available from May 7 Important
18.04.2024 Year 1
Grade Reports will NOT be available from May 7 Important
17.04.2024 All Students
【Exam Seating Chart added】Make-up Exams for the 2023 A Semester (A1 & A2 Term) Important
12.04.2024 All Students
List of Timetable Changes is updated.
12.04.2024 All Students
(From Audio Visual Classroom Management Team) Web-based Software Recorder
09.04.2024 All Students
【From Globalization Office】TOEFL Information Session

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