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Last modified on November 9, 2022


Classes November 9, 2022

【UNU-IAS】Global Leadership and Sustainable Development in Africa

This program was first offered in 2021 in collaboration with New York University and the University of Johannesburg, and was very well received as a valuable opportunity to exchange views with African and other leaders working in various fields of international development. This year's course is a four-week online course for graduate students. It is an opportunity to learn from African leaders on a wide range of agendas, including innovative leadership, participatory democracy, civic engagement, public policy, bioresources, health, climate change impacts, and science-based policy in Africa. The goal is to acquire the skills and strategy-shaping techniques needed to contribute to sustainable development discussing the practice of international development cooperation with real practitioners and scholars.

Dates: 12 January - 9 February (Tuesdays & Thursdays), 2023 17:00-19:00 JST
Language: English
Modality: Online (Zoom)
Participant Fee: 50,000 JPY
Application Deadline: 6 December 2022


How to Apply:https://ias.unu.edu/en/admissions/certificate/global-leadership-training-programme-in-africa.html
Those who wish to attend should apply directly using the online form on the above webpage.

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