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Last modified on April 18, 2016


Classes April 15, 2016

Update: (To PEAK Students matriculated to the Senior Division in or before the academic year 2015) New Curriculum from AY2016 and Course Substitution  Important

1. Adopting the New Curriculum from AY2016
From April 2016 onwards, the Senior Division, the College of Arts and Sciences will be adopting the new curriculum called Curriculum 2016, which will result in many changes related to course to be offered, course credits and graduation requirements. However, as the new curriculum is applicable only to students who will be admitted to the Senior Division in or after AY2016, the previous curriculum called Curriculum 2013 still applies to those of you who advanced to the Senior Division in or before AY2015. Consequently you are to register for courses pursuant to the rules described in “College of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Student Handbook II (Kōki-Binran)” distributed at the time of matriculation.

  • Curriculum 2016: Applicable to students advanced to the Senior Division in AY2013 - AY2015
  • Curriculum 2013: Applicable to students advanced to the Senior Division in/after AY2016

2. Course Substitution
Starting in the S Semester 2016, with the exception of a part of courses, courses are offered in accordance with Curriculum 2016 and students who advanced to the Senior Division in or before AY2015 will also take these course.
If a course in Curriculum 2013 is continued in Curriculum 2016, any procedure will not be required. If there are any changes to course titles and/or credits in Curriculum 2016, passing the corresponding course/s in Curriculum 2016 will be considered as having passed the course in Curriculum 2013 and “course substitution” will be required. To check whether course substitution will be required for each of the PEAK Courses, refer to “Tables of Correspondence between Curriculum 2013 and Curriculum 2016 (PEAK Course) distributed at the counter from April 1. 

For courses other than the PEAK Courses, please see “Tables of Correspondence between Curriculum 2013 and Curriculum 2016 in Japanese” from here.

3. Notification of Course Substitution
If a course in Curriculum 2016 corresponds to more than one courses in Curriculum 2013, you need to inform the PEAK/GPEAK Section of the course title of your choice in Curriculum 2013 within the specified period, which will be announced later on the bulletin board and the following website: http://www.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/eng_site/fas//index.html . For courses other than the above, there are no necessary procedure.
※ If you have any questions with this matter, please do not hesitate to consult with your Program Director or come to the PEAK/GPEAK Section, Academic Affairs Division (Counter no.2, Administration Bldg. 1st floor).




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