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Study Abroad Programs

Students enrolled in or informally approved to matriculate to the Senior Division of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences must submit a "Request for Approval to Study Abroad icon_word.gifPDFicon_pdf.gif)" or " Request for Leave of Absence + (Overseas Study Plan)" separately from the procedures for study abroad programs, etc., if you wish to study abroad for two months or longer.
In addition, the same procedure must be followed if you plan to transfer credits earned overseas during your study abroad to Senior Division credits, even if the program is less than two months long.
In case you do not follow the procedure prior to your departure, you will not be eligible to apply for credit transfers.

Please submit the following documents at least two months prior to your departure date for overseas travel.

【Submission】PEAK/GPEAK Section 
E-mail: peak.admin.c [at mark]gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp
*Please change [at mark] to @.

*Please complete the procedures for overseas travel at least one month prior to travel date.
* If you are a recipient of Japanese Student Service Organization (JASSO) scholarship, you must go through a separate procedure and submit a notification required by the organization. For details in this regard, please contact the Student Support Division.
* Please refer to College of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Student Handbook (Senior Division) for information on studying abroad.

Ask for information at the sections below.

(PEAK students) (April-entry students)
PEAK/GPEAK Section, Academic Affairs Division,
College of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Postal code: 153-8902
Administration Building 1F (Counter No.2)
3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo
Senior Division Section, Academic Affairs Division,
College of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Postal code: 153-8902
Administration Building 1F (Counter No.4)
3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo
Tel: 03-5465-8220, 8237 (in Japanese/English) Tel: 03-5454-6048, 6057 (in Japanese)