Request for Leave of Absence
When requesting an approval for a leave of absence, ask for information at the Academic Affairs Division counter first. (Click here for counter information) You may receive the form of Request for Leave of Absence after we confirm that your tuition before the leave was paid and if any document should be attached.
If you must take a leave of absence for two months or more due to illness, financial problems or to study abroad, you should be approved by the faculty beforehand. Please take the required procedure at least two months prior to the leave at the counter of Academic Affairs Division. If you fail to do so, please note that you are subject to the tuition payment for the relevant semester.
Refer to the following pages in the College of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Student Handbook (Senior Division), where the reasons and periods for the Leave of Absence are stipulated.
- ⅠUniversities Rule 5. The University of Tokyo General Rules on College /Faculty Article 19 ~ 21
- ⅠUniversities Rule 8. Criteria for Leave of Absence by Students
- ⅠUniversities Rule 9.Extent of Persons Requiring Nursing Care and Social Service Activities Pertaining to Student Leave of Absence Standards
If you are a Japanese Student Service Organization (JASSO) scholarship recipient, you need to go through a separate procedure and to submit request form (Idoh-negai/todoke 異動願(届)) as a notification of your Leave of Absence.
JASSO website: (Japanese only)
(Top >> 奨学金(Scholarship) >> 貸与中の異動(休止)について (Leave of Absence (Stop receiving the scholarship))
The Student Support Division is in charge of scholarship procedures. For details, please ask for advice at the counter of Student Support Division.
For those receiving scholarships from corporate funds or associations other than JASSO, please first contact the office of each fund to take procedures required by the organization.