Classes March 30, 2017
2017 S Semester Timetables and Other Handouts
To PEAK Students enrolled in the Senior Division
AY 2017 S Semester Timetables and other handouts will be distributed from April 3 (Mon) (9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m., 1:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m.) (Counter no.2, Administration Bldg. 1st floor). Please come to the counter and receive them. Student ID card must be presented when requesting. For students advancing to the Senior Division this fall, the timetables will be distributed at S Semester Guidance for PEAK Second-year students on April 4 (Tue).
In addition, AY 2017 S Semester timetables can be viewed on the following website of the Senior Division: “Course Information (PEAK)” >“Timetables”
Changes made after publishing the timetables at the start of the semester will be notified on the website (“Course Information (PEAK)” > “Classroom and Timetable Changes”) and the PEAK bulletin board next to the counter. Be sure to check them periodically.
Course syllabuses are available on the screen of “View Syllabuses” through UT-mate or at the website of “The University of Tokyo Online Course Catalogue”:
Please note that class days for some courses in A semester/A1/A2 Term are currently indicated as “Intensive Course ” and the class periods shown as “Others” by default on the UTmate. They will be arranged and displayed by mid-September.
Please check the latest information, as syllabuses can be updated throughout the year.
March 30, 2017
Academic Affairs Division