Events April 5, 2019
《Graduate School of Frontier Sciences》Information Session on Moday, April 8th: The University of Tokyo Summer Internship Program in Kashiwa (UTSIP Kashiwa) 2019 - For Undergraduate Students
The University of Tokyo Summer Internship Program in Kashiwa (UTSIP Kashiwa), initially only for undergraduate students from overseas universities, has been accepting applications from undergraduate students of the College of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo since 2016. Guidance for the students will be held on Monday, April 8th. Please attend! Time/Date: 6:45 PM start, Monday, April 8th, 2019 Venue: Room 110, 1st Floor, Komaba International Building for Education and Research (KIBER), Komaba I campus Eligibility: Undergraduate students of the College of Arts and Sciences Details: Organized by: International Liaison Office, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
Also please see the following article :