Events January 23, 2020
[From Globalization Office] Winter Study Abroad Advising Session
Event: Winter Study Abroad Advising Session
Date and time: 30th January (Thu) 2020 15:00-17:00
31th January (Fri) 2020 15:00-17:00
Place: 21 KOMCEE WEST B1, Globalisation Office
Language: English, Japanese
Prior registration: Unnecessary
Participation fee: Free
Audience: UTokyo students
Event overview: Students who have returned from studying abroad will be available to ask for advice and hear about their experiences. This is a relaxed, informal setting so feel free to stop by for a chat!
Contact details: 21 KOMCEE West B1 Globalisation Office (Komaba Campus)
More details will be on our website:
Globalisation Office
Mariko OSAWA