Events February 2, 2022
【From Globalization Office】Spring Study Abroad Advising Session
・Event title : Spring Study Abroad Advising Session
・Time&date Thursday, February 10, 2022 12:00~14:30
・Details: The Globalization Office will hold the "Spring Study Abroad Advising Session" which consists of a panel discussion and advice session on preparing to study abroad. This online(Zoom) event does not require
any pre-registration, so please feel free to join us. In addition to the event, an online study abroad advising session will be held from Feb. 15(Tue.) to 17(Thu.) for a limited time.
The normal advising session will not be held during spring vacation so please don't miss this opportunity!
・Venue :Online(Zoom)
・Eligibility :UTokyo students
・Pre-registration :No Required(Please access Zoom from your UTokyo ECCS account.)
・Cost :Free
・Language: Japanese & English
・Hosted by:Globalization Office
・Contact:go* (Please replace*to @)