Others January 7, 2016
Nobel Prize in Physics Commemorative Academic Lecture by Prof. Kajita
Dear All
Nobel Prize in Physics Commemorative Academic Lecture by Prof. Kajita
We will have a commemorative academic lecture as follows;
1 Date: 19:00-20:00, Monday, January 18th, 2015
Opening Address by Prof. Makoto Gonokami, President of U-Tokyo
Lectures by Prof. Takaaki Kajita, Director of ICRR
Prof. Hitoshi Murayama, Director of Kavli IPMU
2 Venue: Yasuda Auditorium, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo
Stream Live at the following venues;
Koshiba Hall
KOMCEE WestB1 Lecture Hall
Kashiwa Library Media Hall
Kamioka Observatory Seminar Room
Gravitational Wave Project Office
3 Eligibility: Students and Staff of UTokyo
4 How to Apply
Please enter the following page. Due date is 17:00 on January 13th.
College of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo