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Last modified on June 16, 2016


Others June 16, 2016

《General Affairs Section》Disposal of Abandoned Bicycles on Komaba campus

16 June 2016

           Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
           Dean, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences

To Students and Staff

Disposal of Abandoned Bicycles on Komaba campus

Thank you for your continued understanding and co-operation regarding on-campus traffic. The following is an announcement that there will be a disposal of abandoned bicycles on Komaba Campus.  


1.Issue of Warning Tickets
On Thursday 9 June warning tickets (yellow) were put on bicycles which were unregistered with the University and left without permission on campus.

2.Notice Period
The above-mentioned warning tickets carry a 2-week grace period (until 24 June), during which the owners of the bicycles are required to remove the warning tickets in order to confirm their ownership. Owners are urged to register their bicycles with the University as soon as possible.

Undergraduate and Graduate Students:
Please register with Student Support Section, Student Support Division
(Administration Building 1F 03-5454-6074)

Please register with General Affairs Section, General Affairs Division
(Administration Building 2F 03-5454-6893)

3.Retention Period
Bicycles still with warning tickets after 2 weeks will be deemed ownerless and classified for disposal, and will be held for approximately 1 month (until 22 July).
Once the retention period is over, bicycles classified for disposal will undergo the relevant administrative procedure and will be disposed all together by the University.


General Affairs Section, General Affairs Division

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