Others March 28, 2017
《Global FD Symposium》 "Getting to the Heart of Learning: Evidence-based Learning in Science Education." : April 23
The Global Faculty Development (GFD) at the Graduate School/College of Arts and Sciences is pleased to announce the upcoming symposium "Getting to the Heart of Learning: Evidence-based Learning in Science Education." Dr. Carl Wieman of Stanford University will give a keynote address.
Dr. Wieman is the 2001 recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics and is also prominent as a leading advocate for improving science education in higher education institutions. His lecture on science education will be followed by a panel discussion joined by Dr. Takatoshi Murata, one of the leading voices in science education in Japan, as well as by science faculty of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Please find the details of the symposium below:
Date: Sunday, April 23, 2017 2:00-5:00pm
Place: Lecture Hall in the Mathematical Science Building, Komaba Campus, The University of Tokyo
Capacity: 240 (first come, first served)
Admission: Free
Language: English (Translation available)
Pre-registration: Required; Please register here:
Event URL:
Inquires: Global Faculty Development initiative (