Others June 17, 2019
《Globalization Office》"Roundtable Carrier Discussion with Alumnus of College of the Arts and Sciences"
We are going to have a roundtable carrier discussion with alumnus of College of the Arts and Sciences on June 25th(Tue.)after 5the period.
About 9 alumni who have experienced studying abroad will come to Komaba campus to give us some advices about building global carriers.
Their occupations and specialized areas are like money market, trading, IT, researches, accounting and government-affiliated services.
They will be divided into a couple of tables based on their occupations, so please come to join the table you are interested in.
<Roundtable Carrier Discussion with Alumnus of College of the Arts and Sciences>
Date: June 25th (Tue.) after 5th period (18:45pm ~ around 20:15)
Place: Komaba Campus 21KOMCEE West B1, in front of Globalization Office
Language use: for the most part "Japanese"