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Notification of Change in Name

If there are any changes in your name while enrolled in the university, you must submit the notification to the Academic Affairs Division.(Form Downloads:  wordicon_word.gifpdficon_pdf.gif )
(Click here for counter information)
If you would continue using your former name at the university, the notification is not required and your certificates will be issued under your former name.
When submitting this notification, be sure to attach an official copy of the family register or other document of proof which contains both your former name and new name. (We will return the official document after verification.)

If you are a recipient of Japanese Student Service Organization (JASSO) scholarship, submit the Notification of Change in Name designated by JASSO and update the account holder name of your bank account for transfer of the scholarship fund.
JASSO website: http://www.jasso.go.jp/shougakukin/index.html (Japanese only)
  (Top >> 奨学金 (Scholorship) >> 貸与中の異動(改氏名)について (Change in Name))
If you would change your bank account for transfer of the scholarship fund, also submit a notification of change in bank account.
The Student Support Division is in charge of scholarship procedures. For details, please ask for advice at the counter of Student Support Division.

For those receiving scholarships from corporate funds or associations other than JASSO, please first contact the office of each fund to take procedures required by the organization.