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Last modified on November 7, 2024

News : Classes

07.05.2015 Classes
Lists of Classroom and Timetable Changes, Class Cancellations and Supplementary Classes are updated.
01.05.2015 Classes
Lists of Class Cancellations is updated.
30.04.2015 Classes
Lists of Classroom and Timetable Changes, Class Cancellations and Supplementary Classes are updated.
28.04.2015 Classes
Lists of Classroom and Timetable Changes, Class Cancellations, Examinations and Reports are updated.
24.04.2015 Classes
Lists of Classroom and Timetable Changes, Class Cancellations are updated.
23.04.2015 Classes
Lists of Classroom and Timetable Changes, Class Cancellations and Supplementary Classes are updated.
22.04.2015 Classes
Lists of Class Cancellations and Supplementary Classes are updated.
21.04.2015 Classes
List of Classroom and Timetable Changes is updated.
21.04.2015 Classes
Review/Correction Periods of S Semester/S1/S2 Term Course Registration
20.04.2015 Classes
Lists of Classroom and Timetable Changes, Class Cancellations are updated.
17.04.2015 Classes
Lists of Class Cancellations and Supplementary Classes are updated.
16.04.2015 Classes
Lists of Classroom and Timetable Changes, Intensive Courses, and Supplementary Classes are updated.
14.04.2015 Classes
Lists of Class Cancellations, Classroom and Timetable Changes, Supplementary Classes and Intensive Courses are updated.
13.04.2015 Classes
List of Classroom and Timetable Changes is updated.
13.04.2015 Classes
List of Class Cancellations is updated.
10.04.2015 Classes
List of Intensive Courses isupdated.
10.04.2015 Classes
Lists of Classroom and Timetable Changes, Supplementary Classes are updated.
10.04.2015 Classes
Class Cancellation on May 15 (Fri) to accomodate the 88th May Festival
10.04.2015 Classes
List of Class Cancellations is updated.
09.04.2015 Classes
Lists of Classroom and Timetable Changes, Class Cancellations are updated.
08.04.2015 Classes
Lists of Classroom and Timetable Changes, Class Cancellations and Supplementary Classes are updated.
08.04.2015 Classes
List of Class Cancellations is updated.
07.04.2015 Classes
Lists of Classroom and Timetable Changes, Class Cancellations are updated.
06.04.2015 Classes
Updated: Registration for Sub-programs and others (PEAK)
06.04.2015 Classes
Leave of Absence in AY2015
06.04.2015 Classes
List of Class Cancellations is updated.
03.04.2015 Classes
Lists of Classroom and Timetable Changes, Class Cancellations, and Intensive Courses are updated.
03.04.2015 Classes
Practice in Sports Training : the course guidance will be held on April 9 @ Hongo Campus (only in Japanese)
02.04.2015 Classes
Registration for Sub-programs and others
01.04.2015 Classes
Lists of Classroom and Timetable Changes, Class Cancellations, and Intensive Courses are updated.
01.04.2015 Classes
Arrive at Campus Early for the First Class Period Important
01.04.2015 Classes
Temporary Changes in Counter Service Hours
30.03.2015 Classes
S Semester (including S1 and S2 Term) AY2015 Course Registration
30.03.2015 Classes
AY 2015 S Semester Timetables and Other Handouts
30.03.2015 Classes
For Senior Division students (years 3 and 4), grade reports for AY2014 winter semester courses can be viewed online through UT-mate from April 1st (Wed).
27.03.2015 Classes
Special Lecture on Informatics, Department of of Interdisciplinary Sciences: 2015S Semester Schedule is updated. (only in Japanese)
25.03.2015 Classes
【UT-mate】Temporary Suspension of Online Services
20.03.2015 Classes
S Semester 2015 Timetables Posted
19.03.2015 Classes
UT-mate account will be changed to UTokyo Student Account (ECCS account) Important
02.02.2015 Classes
Lists of Examinations and Reports is updated.
27.01.2015 Classes
List of Supplementary Classes is updated.
20.01.2015 Classes
Lists of Examinations and Reports is updated.
19.01.2015 Classes
Lists of Class Cancellations and Supplementary Classes are updated.
16.01.2015 Classes
Lists of Class Cancellations and Supplementary Classes are updated.
13.01.2015 Classes
Lists of Class Cancellations and Supplementary Classes are updated.
09.01.2015 Classes
Academic Calendar of 2015-2016, Senior Division, College of Arts and Sciences Important
09.01.2015 Classes
List of Class Cancellations is updated.
08.01.2015 Classes
List of Supplementary Classes is updated.
07.01.2015 Classes
Lists of Class Cancellations, Supplementary Classes and Intensive Courses are updated.
06.01.2015 Classes
List of Class Cancellations is updated.

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