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Last modified on November 7, 2024

News : Classes

09.11.2017 Classes
Senior Division Course of the Cross-disciplinary Program "Global Praxis (Advanced) (4),(5) (Tokyo, Sydney, Melbourne)" Guidance
31.10.2017 Classes
Notice of Tuition Fee Payment and Direct Debit Important
31.10.2017 Classes
Submission of "Graduation Thesis" and "Graduation Thesis Title Notification Sheet" by Students Graduating from Faculty of Arts and Sciences in March 2018 (Update) Important
31.10.2017 Classes
(To JEA Students Graduating in March 2018) Submission of "Graduation Thesis Title Notification Sheet" Important
27.10.2017 Classes
【Important】 Notice on Class Cancellation due to the Approach of Typhoon No. 22 Important New
26.10.2017 Classes
Office Hours Change Due to the 68th Komaba Festival
20.10.2017 Classes
【Important】 Notice on Class Cancellation due to the Approach of Typhoon No. 21 Important New
12.10.2017 Classes
Class Cancellation Due to the 68th Komaba Festival
12.10.2017 Classes
Review/Correction Period of A Semester/A1/A2 Term Course Registration Important
10.10.2017 Classes
Submission of "Graduation Thesis" and "Graduation Thesis Title Notification Sheet" by Students Graduating from Faculty of Arts and Sciences in March 2018 Important
06.10.2017 Classes
Lists of Intensive Courses, Classroom and Timetable Changes are updated.
02.10.2017 Classes
Notice of Tuition Fee Payment and Direct Debit Important
28.09.2017 Classes
Lists of Classroom and Timetable Changes, Class Cancellation, Intensive Courses are updated.
25.09.2017 Classes
Request for change from Senior Division Liberal Art Courses to Liberal Arts Courses for Advanced Students
25.09.2017 Classes
"Global Studies" for Cross-disciplinary Program: Guidance Session ( in Japanese)
21.09.2017 Classes
【Note】Introductory third foreign language courses that are offered jointly with the Junior Division courses
21.09.2017 Classes
(To PEAK Students matriculated to the Senior Division in or before the academic year 2015) New Curriculum from AY2016 and Course Substitution Important
19.09.2017 Classes
Registration for Sub-programs and Others
19.09.2017 Classes
A Semester (including A1 and A2 Terms) AY 2017 Course Registration
15.09.2017 Classes
2017 A Semester Timetables will be distributed from September 21 (Thu)
07.09.2017 Classes
English Manual for UTAS (Extract) is Available at "Download Center"
06.09.2017 Classes
Introductory General Guidance for Junior Division Thematic courses "Global Praxis" & Senior Division "Global Praxis (Advanced)" (A Semester)
01.09.2017 Classes
Registration for "English, General Language Courses"
25.08.2017 Classes
Grade Confirmation Request 2017 S Semester (Update) Important
09.08.2017 Classes
(PEAK ES) Graduation Research Project Laboratory Assignment (July 2017)
06.07.2017 Classes
PEAK Senior Division Guidance to be held on September 22 (Fri), 2017
29.06.2017 Classes
Class day changes: Japan in East Asia VIII
23.06.2017 Classes
Lists of Classroom Changes, Supplementary Classes are updated.
14.06.2017 Classes
Check the website or the bulletin board for posting of class cancellations, supplementary courses etc. during the S Semester as before. The related information will be available on the UTAS from the A Semester. Important
09.06.2017 Classes
Lists of Classroom Changes, Supplementary Classes are updated.
08.06.2017 Classes
Review/Correction Period for S2 Term Course Registration Changes Important
08.06.2017 Classes
Submission of "Graduation Thesis" and "Graduation Thesis Title Notification Sheet" by Students Graduating from Faculty of Arts and Sciences in September 2017 Important
17.05.2017 Classes
Announcement to Environmental Sciences 3rd year October-entry students: Guidance and laboratory review session for the Graduation Project Important
17.05.2017 Classes
Announcement to Environmental Sciences 4th year students: Guideline for the presentation and the submission of the "Graduation Thesis" Important
12.05.2017 Classes
Review/Correction Period for S2 Term Course Registration Changes Important
11.05.2017 Classes
(Notice) Meeting Place & Time for #1-1 Field Study, Seminar: Japan in East Asia VIII
01.05.2017 Classes
Lists of Class Cancellations, Supplementary Classes are updated.
27.04.2017 Classes
Lists of Class Cancellations, Classroom and Timetable Changes and Intensive Courses (PEAK) are updated.
26.04.2017 Classes
Afternoon classes on May 19 (Fri) will be cancelled to accomodate the 90th May Festival
26.04.2017 Classes
18.04.2017 Classes
Review/Correction Periods of S Semester/S1/S2 Term Course Registration
18.04.2017 Classes
Classes will be held as usual today on April 18, 2017 (Update: 4/18). Important
17.04.2017 Classes
Notice on Class Cancellation due to the Heavy Rain and Storm expected on April 18 Important
13.04.2017 Classes
Submission of "Graduation Thesis" and "Graduation Thesis Title Notification Sheet" by Students Graduating from Faculty of Arts and Sciences in September 2017 Important
12.04.2017 Classes
Lists of Intensive Courses, Classroom and Timetable Changes (PEAK) are updated.
11.04.2017 Classes
For those who have not obtained the S Semester handouts (for JEA graduating students, including Thesis Title Notification Sheet), please visit the counter as soon as possible.
10.04.2017 Classes
(PEAK ES Intensive Course) Contemporary Environmental Issues : Guidance will be conducted at the first class on Apr. 15 (Sat)
06.04.2017 Classes
Registration for Sub-programs and others (PEAK Senior Division AY2017 )
05.04.2017 Classes
S Semester (including S1 and S2 Terms) AY 2017 Course Registration
05.04.2017 Classes
Lists of Class Cancellations, Intensive Courses, Classroom Changes are updated.

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