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Last modified on February 3, 2025

News : Others

10.03.2015 Others
《International Student Section》【Housing】Company Dormitory Deadline:2015/3/18(Wed.)16:30
06.03.2015 Others
《International Student Section》【Housing】Midori Foreign Students House (Dormitory for Female Students)
05.03.2015 Others
《International Students and Researchers Support Group, Central Administration Office》2015 Spring Tea Ceremony @ Tamon-ji Temple (Mothers and Students' Association, Heiwa Nakajima Foundation)
04.03.2015 Others
《International Student Section》【Housing】JISHUGAKUSHA(Dormitory for Male Students)
20.02.2015 Others
《Student Support Division》 Precautions for Student Life
20.02.2015 Others
《UT-VC》 Call for Volunteer Workers at Fukushima (Learning Support) (only in Japanese)
10.02.2015 Others
《International Student Section》 【Housing】Company Dormitory *Deadline:2015/3/6(Fri.)16:30
10.02.2015 Others
《International Student Section》 【Housing】Ochanomizu University International House Deadline:2015/2/16(Mon.)16:30 (only in Japanese)
09.02.2015 Others
《UTVC》 Call for Volunteers: Study Tour to the Areas Affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake (only in Japanese)
05.02.2015 Others
Temporary Change in Counter Service Hours
05.02.2015 Others
Counter Closure Due to the Second University Entrance Exams
03.02.2015 Others
《International Students Section》 【Housing】JRF International Village (only in Japanese)
26.01.2015 Others
10th Japanese Traditional Dance International Cultural Exchange Contest (Japan Association for Performance Art)
19.01.2015 Others
《Schlorship Section, Student Support Division》 Exemptions/ Deferred Payment of Tuition for the First Half of AY 2015
16.01.2015 Others
《International Students and Researchers Support Group, Central Administration Office》 Invitation to The NHK Symphony Orchestra Concert
16.01.2015 Others
《Student Support Division》 Call for Volunteer Workers (Learning Support at Soma Terakoya Temporary School)(Feb. - Mar.)(only in Japanese)
14.01.2015 Others
《International Students and Researchers Support Group, Central Administration Office》 WORLD MEETING in Bandai (the National Youth Education Independent Administrative Agency / National Bandai Youth friendship Center)
07.01.2015 Others
《International Students and Researchers Support Group, Central Administration Office》 Survey on International student university life 2014: Deadline has been extended to 12th of January
06.01.2015 Others
《International Students and Researchers Support Group, Central Administration Office》 SUMO at Ryogoku Kokugikan(Mothers and Students Association)(Heiwa Nakajima Foundation)
25.12.2014 Others
《International Student Section》 【Housing】Asia Bunka Kaikan (ABK)(only in Japanese)
25.12.2014 Others
《International Student Section》 【Housing】The University of Tokyo International Student Dormitories (Deadline:2015/1/23(Fri.)24:00)
25.12.2014 Others
《International Center Komaba Office》 Photo Contest "Life at UTokyo"
24.12.2014 Others
《International Student Section》【Housing】ASSURAN International Scholarship Student House (Deadline:2015/1/16(Fri.)4:30 p.m.)
16.12.2014 Others
《Student Support Division》 Precautions for the New Year Holiday
16.12.2014 Others
《Division for Environment, Health and Safety》 Year-end Advisory
16.12.2014 Others
《General Affairs Section, General Affairs Division》 【Notice】 Disposal of Abandoned Bicycles on Komaba campus
11.12.2014 Others
《International Students and Researchers Support Group, Central Administration Office》 Survey on International student university life 2014 (Reply by 2015/1/5(Mon))
08.12.2014 Others
《Schlorship Section, Student Support Division》Notification on Selection Results for Tuition Fee Exemption/Deferment for the Winter Semester, AY 2014
05.12.2014 Others
《Student Support Group, Education and Student Support Department》 Application for President's Award for Students AY2014
04.12.2014 Others
《International Students and Researchers Support Group, Central Administration Office》 Invitation to The NHK Symphony Orchestra Concert
02.12.2014 Others
《International Student Section》【Housing】Tokyo Metropolitan Ota Kinenkan Deadline:2015/1/16(Fri.)16:30 (Only in Japanese)
28.11.2014 Others
《International Student Section》 【Scholarship】Direct Application: Okamoto Scholarship Foundation (Only in Japanese)
26.11.2014 Others
Office hours during Year-end and New Year holidays
21.11.2014 Others
《General Affairs Section, General Affairs Division》 【Notice】 Campus Clean-up on Tuesday 9 December 2014 14:00-15:30
20.11.2014 Others
《Student Support Division》 Call for Volunteer Workers (Learning Support) (only in Japanese)
20.11.2014 Others
《External Relations Department》 the Survival of Elegance - 50 years of Jun Ashida - at The National Art Center, Tokyo (Admissin Free)
14.11.2014 Others
《International Student Section》 【Housing】Company Dormitory (Deadline:2014/11/20(Thurs.) 4:30p.m.) ※Intended for male students with Chinese or Taiwanese nationality
14.11.2014 Others
《International Students and Researchers Support Group, Central Administration Office》 Invitation to The NHK Symphony Orchestra Concert
11.11.2014 Others
《International Center Komaba Office》 International Student Event "Bunraku"~Japanese Traditional Puppet Theater~ (Deadline:Thu, November 27, 2014 17:00)
07.11.2014 Others
《Globalization Office》 Rectuitment of AIKOM Program Outgoing Exchange Students to the Partner Institutions in Oceania (2015)
06.11.2014 Others
《International Center Komaba Office》 English Rakugo ~Free Event~ (Deadline:Thu, November 20, 2014 17:00)
05.11.2014 Others
《International Student Section》【Scholarship】 Direct Application: St. Timothy's Church, Tokyo (in Japanese)
05.11.2014 Others
《International Students and Researchers Support Group, Central Administration Office》 The 34th Karaimo Koryu・spring ~Homestay Program in Kagoshima / Miyazaki (Karaimo Koryu)
05.11.2014 Others
《International Students and Researchers Support Group, Central Administration Office》 Let's enjoy Bunraku and strolling in the East Gardens of the Imperial Palace! (with Lunch) (Mothers and Students' Association) (Heiwa nakajima Foundation)
30.10.2014 Others
《International Students and Researchers Support Group, Central Administration Office》 Study Tours by KYORITSU International Foundation (only in Japanese)
24.10.2014 Others
《Division of Health and Health Promotion》 Influenza Vaccination
23.10.2014 Others
《International Students and Researchers Support Group, Central Administration Office》 Invitation to The NHK Symphony Orchestra Concert
21.10.2014 Others
《International Student Section》 【Housing】Company Dormitory (Deadline:2014/10/24(Fri.) 4:30p.m.)
15.10.2014 Others
《Globalization Office》 Hong Kong Lunchtime lecture
10.10.2014 Others
《International Center Komaba Office》 【Event 】Dodgebee & Party☆ (Deadline:Wed. October 22, 2014 12:00 (Noon))

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