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Last modified on February 3, 2025


08.06.2018 Go Abroad
《Globalization Office》 Study Abroad Post-Return Presentation June 2018
08.06.2018 Classes
Newly opened for S2 Term: 08X400211 Special Seminars of Liberal Arts for Advanced Students by Prof. Takashi Shimizu (Intensive) and 08X500107A Global Praxis (Advanced) (7)a by Prof. Yusuke Sakurai (Intensive)
01.06.2018 Others
2018 Campus Asia Undergraduate Student Summer Program with Yuanpei College, Peking University and College of Liberal Studies, Seoul National University
01.06.2018 Classes
Contemporary Environmental Issues: Classroom Change
31.05.2018 Classes
Sustainable Agro-Ecological Systems: May 31 Class Cancelled
30.05.2018 Others
Career Seminars "Link to the world-Exploring your Career Path with Global Companies- co-sponsored by JETRO, International Student Support Room/Career Support Office, UTokyo
29.05.2018 Others
《UTokyo-UC Berkeley Strategic Partnership 》 Tokyo-Berkeley Data Science Boot Up Camp: July 9-19, 2018
28.05.2018 Classes
List of Intensive Courses are updated.
28.05.2018 Classes
Lists of Class Cancellations and Intensive Courses are updated.
25.05.2018 Others
《Faculty of Letters》 Special Summer Program: Sep 8 (Sat) - Sep 22 (Sat)
18.05.2018 Others
Campus Clean-up at Komaba
18.05.2018 Others
Announcement to ES 3rd Year September-entry Students: Guidance and Laboratory Review Session for the Graduation Project
17.05.2018 Others
Apply Now for Resident Assistant for PEAK Students: May 14 - 4:50 p.m. June 1, 2018
15.05.2018 Classes
Class Cancellation due to May Festival: Friday Afternoon, May 18
14.05.2018 Go Abroad
European Country Introduction by Exchange Students: May 24 Lunchtime
14.05.2018 Classes
ES course: Course title change (2018.4-)
14.05.2018 Others
《Division for Health Service Center》Medical Check-ups for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students (Excluding New Students Enrolled in April, 2018) and Research Students (Repost)
07.05.2018 Classes
List of Supplementary Classes is updated.
02.05.2018 Go Abroad
(Repost) Handling of Credits Earned at Overseas Universities ※Application Deadline: 4:50 p.m. Friday, May 11 Important
02.05.2018 Classes
(PEAK ES Intensive Course) 2018S Semester Contemporary Environmental Issues:Field Work of Tsurumi-River Watershed Management
25.04.2018 Classes
Lists of Class Cancellations and Intensive Courses are updated.
25.04.2018 Classes
Class Cancellation: Sustainable Agro-Ecological Systems on April 26 Will Be Postponed
24.04.2018 Classes
Review/Correction Periods of S Semester/S1/S2 Term Course Registration Important
23.04.2018 Others
For Students Graduating in September 2018: Submission of Graduation Thesis(updated)
23.04.2018 Others
To JEA Students Graduating in September 2018: Submission of Graduation Thesis Title Notification Sheet
19.04.2018 Go Abroad
《Globalization Office》 Study Abroad Presentation Session: April 21st
17.04.2018 Classes
List of Class Cancellations is updated.
16.04.2018 Classes
List of Classroom and Timetable Changes are updated.
12.04.2018 Classes
Lists of Class Cancellations and Supplementary Classes are updated.
10.04.2018 Others
《Division for Health Service Center》Medical Check-ups for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students (Excluding New Students Enrolled in April, 2018) and Research Students (Repost)
10.04.2018 Go Abroad
Handling of Credits Earned at Overseas Universities ※Application Deadline: 4:50 p.m. Friday, May 11 Important
10.04.2018 Others
Hands-on Activities 2018: Information Session to be held @Komaba Campus from 18:45~ Friday, April 13. (In Japanese)
10.04.2018 Go Abroad
《EALAI Office》 2018A Semester Campus Asia Undergraduate Student Exchange Program with Peking University and Seoul National University
06.04.2018 Go Abroad
《Globalization Office》 Student advice sessions for studying abroad
05.04.2018 Classes
Registration Forms for Sub-programs and others AY2018
04.04.2018 Classes
Registration for Sub-programs and others (PEAK Senior Division AY2018)
04.04.2018 Classes
S Semester (including S1 and S2 Terms) AY 2018 Course Registration Important
04.04.2018 Classes
【Note】Introductory third foreign language courses that are offered jointly with the Junior Division courses
04.04.2018 Classes
Request for change from Senior Division Liberal Art Courses to Liberal Arts Courses for Advanced Students
04.04.2018 Classes
2018 S Semester Timetables and Other Handouts
02.04.2018 Others
Notice of Tuition Fee Payment and Direct Debit for the First Half of AY2018
30.03.2018 Others
Earthquake Preparedness Seminar (English) to be held on Tuesday, April 3
29.03.2018 Classes
Practice in Sports Training (2)(3): Guidance Session to be held @ Hongo on April 5 (Thu) (In Japanese)
29.03.2018 Others
Office Hours Change due to the Spring Holidays (Update)
29.03.2018 Others
《Division for Health Service Center》Medical Check-ups for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students (Excluding New Students Enrolled in April, 2018) and Research Students
27.03.2018 Classes
Introductory General Guidance for Junior Division Thematic courses 2018 S Semester/Term "Global Praxis" & Senior Division "Global Praxis (Advanced)" (A Semester)
27.03.2018 Others
Office Hours Change due to the Spring Holidays
23.03.2018 Classes
Syllabuses 2018: available on UTAS
22.03.2018 Classes
S Semester 2018 Timetables Posted
19.03.2018 Others
《Globalization Office》Application for GO Tutors is now open!! (S Semester 2018)

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