- 08.06.2018 Go Abroad
- 《Globalization Office》 Study Abroad Post-Return Presentation June 2018
- 08.06.2018 Classes
- Newly opened for S2 Term: 08X400211 Special Seminars of Liberal Arts for Advanced Students by Prof. Takashi Shimizu (Intensive) and 08X500107A Global Praxis (Advanced) (7)a by Prof. Yusuke Sakurai (Intensive)
- 01.06.2018 Others
- 2018 Campus Asia Undergraduate Student Summer Program with Yuanpei College, Peking University and College of Liberal Studies, Seoul National University
- 01.06.2018 Classes
- Contemporary Environmental Issues: Classroom Change
- 31.05.2018 Classes
- Sustainable Agro-Ecological Systems: May 31 Class Cancelled
- 30.05.2018 Others
- Career Seminars "Link to the world-Exploring your Career Path with Global Companies- co-sponsored by JETRO, International Student Support Room/Career Support Office, UTokyo
- 29.05.2018 Others
- 《UTokyo-UC Berkeley Strategic Partnership 》 Tokyo-Berkeley Data Science Boot Up Camp: July 9-19, 2018
- 28.05.2018 Classes
- List of Intensive Courses are updated.
- 28.05.2018 Classes
- Lists of Class Cancellations and Intensive Courses are updated.
- 25.05.2018 Others
- 《Faculty of Letters》 Special Summer Program: Sep 8 (Sat) - Sep 22 (Sat)
- 18.05.2018 Others
- Campus Clean-up at Komaba
- 18.05.2018 Others
- Announcement to ES 3rd Year September-entry Students: Guidance and Laboratory Review Session for the Graduation Project
- 17.05.2018 Others
- Apply Now for Resident Assistant for PEAK Students: May 14 - 4:50 p.m. June 1, 2018
- 15.05.2018 Classes
- Class Cancellation due to May Festival: Friday Afternoon, May 18
- 14.05.2018 Go Abroad
- European Country Introduction by Exchange Students: May 24 Lunchtime
- 14.05.2018 Classes
- ES course: Course title change (2018.4-)
- 14.05.2018 Others
- 《Division for Health Service Center》Medical Check-ups for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students (Excluding New Students Enrolled in April, 2018) and Research Students (Repost)
- 07.05.2018 Classes
- List of Supplementary Classes is updated.
- 02.05.2018 Go Abroad
- (Repost) Handling of Credits Earned at Overseas Universities ※Application Deadline: 4:50 p.m. Friday, May 11 Important
- 02.05.2018 Classes
- (PEAK ES Intensive Course) 2018S Semester Contemporary Environmental Issues:Field Work of Tsurumi-River Watershed Management
- 25.04.2018 Classes
- Lists of Class Cancellations and Intensive Courses are updated.
- 25.04.2018 Classes
- Class Cancellation: Sustainable Agro-Ecological Systems on April 26 Will Be Postponed
- 24.04.2018 Classes
- Review/Correction Periods of S Semester/S1/S2 Term Course Registration Important
- 23.04.2018 Others
- For Students Graduating in September 2018: Submission of Graduation Thesis(updated)
- 23.04.2018 Others
- To JEA Students Graduating in September 2018: Submission of Graduation Thesis Title Notification Sheet
- 19.04.2018 Go Abroad
- 《Globalization Office》 Study Abroad Presentation Session: April 21st
- 17.04.2018 Classes
- List of Class Cancellations is updated.
- 16.04.2018 Classes
- List of Classroom and Timetable Changes are updated.
- 12.04.2018 Classes
- Lists of Class Cancellations and Supplementary Classes are updated.
- 10.04.2018 Others
- 《Division for Health Service Center》Medical Check-ups for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students (Excluding New Students Enrolled in April, 2018) and Research Students (Repost)
- 10.04.2018 Go Abroad
- Handling of Credits Earned at Overseas Universities ※Application Deadline: 4:50 p.m. Friday, May 11 Important
- 10.04.2018 Others
- Hands-on Activities 2018: Information Session to be held @Komaba Campus from 18:45~ Friday, April 13. (In Japanese)
- 10.04.2018 Go Abroad
- 《EALAI Office》 2018A Semester Campus Asia Undergraduate Student Exchange Program with Peking University and Seoul National University
- 06.04.2018 Go Abroad
- 《Globalization Office》 Student advice sessions for studying abroad
- 05.04.2018 Classes
- Registration Forms for Sub-programs and others AY2018
- 04.04.2018 Classes
- Registration for Sub-programs and others (PEAK Senior Division AY2018)
- 04.04.2018 Classes
- S Semester (including S1 and S2 Terms) AY 2018 Course Registration
- 04.04.2018 Classes
- 【Note】Introductory third foreign language courses that are offered jointly with the Junior Division courses
- 04.04.2018 Classes
- Request for change from Senior Division Liberal Art Courses to Liberal Arts Courses for Advanced Students
- 04.04.2018 Classes
- 2018 S Semester Timetables and Other Handouts
- 02.04.2018 Others
- Notice of Tuition Fee Payment and Direct Debit for the First Half of AY2018
- 30.03.2018 Others
- Earthquake Preparedness Seminar (English) to be held on Tuesday, April 3
- 29.03.2018 Classes
- Practice in Sports Training (2)(3): Guidance Session to be held @ Hongo on April 5 (Thu) (In Japanese)
- 29.03.2018 Others
- Office Hours Change due to the Spring Holidays (Update)
- 29.03.2018 Others
- 《Division for Health Service Center》Medical Check-ups for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students (Excluding New Students Enrolled in April, 2018) and Research Students
- 27.03.2018 Classes
- Introductory General Guidance for Junior Division Thematic courses 2018 S Semester/Term "Global Praxis" & Senior Division "Global Praxis (Advanced)" (A Semester)
- 27.03.2018 Others
- Office Hours Change due to the Spring Holidays
- 23.03.2018 Classes
- Syllabuses 2018: available on UTAS
- 22.03.2018 Classes
- S Semester 2018 Timetables Posted
- 19.03.2018 Others
- 《Globalization Office》Application for GO Tutors is now open!! (S Semester 2018)