- 15.01.2019 Others
- 《UT-VC》 Call for Volunteer Workers at Rikuzantakata Iwate Pref. (Learning Support) , February 2019 (only in Japanese),
- 08.01.2019 Classes
- Lists of Intensive Courses are updated.
- 26.12.2018 Others
- (Repost)"Information Security Education" for All Users of the UTokyo Computer Services: Oct. 25 - Jan. 31 (Extended) (Updated: Dec. 25)) Important
- 25.12.2018 Classes
- List of Examinations and Reports is updated.
- 25.12.2018 Classes
- List of Supplementary Classes is updated.
- 20.12.2018 Others
- 《General Affairs Division》Disposal of Abandoned Bicycles on Komaba Campus
- 19.12.2018 Events
- Academic Gown for University's Ceremony
- 19.12.2018 Others
- 《International Exchange Group, The UTokyo》Global Intiatives Symposium by Professional Golfer * Mental Coach * Executive Vice President of the UTokyo will be held @ KOMCEE West K303 from 19:00 on Thursday, Dec. 20 (in Japanese)
- 14.12.2018 Others
- (For ES students) Sat, Jan 5 10:30-12:00 Graduation Thesis Presentation Event
- 14.12.2018 Others
- (For ES 3rd year April-entry students) Sat, Jan 5 10:00-10:30: Guidance Session for the Graduation Project
- 14.12.2018 Others
- 《Global Komaba》Tokyo: Visibility and Invisibility
- 12.12.2018 Classes
- List of Class Cancellations is updated.
- 10.12.2018 Others
- 《Global Komaba》[For Senior Division Students / Graduate School Students] Resident Assistant for PEAK Students (April to March Period of 2019-20)
- 07.12.2018 Others
- Office Hours Change during the Year - end and New Year Holidays
- 03.12.2018 Others
- 《Student Support Division》Notification on Selection Results for Tuition Fee Exemption/Deferment for the Second Half, AY 2018
- 03.12.2018 Events
- 2019 Spring Commencement Ceremony
- 28.11.2018 Classes
- Lists of Class Cancellations and Supplementary Classes are updated.
- 21.11.2018 Classes
- Lists of Intensive Courses are updated.
- 19.11.2018 Others
- 《Globalization Office》EVERYTHING ABOUT MY COUNTRY #4 the Americas
- 16.11.2018 Others
- 《General Affairs Section, General Affairs Division》Notice - Campus Clean-up at Komaba
- 13.11.2018 Classes
- Lists of Intensive Courses are updated.
- 13.11.2018 Classes
- List of Classroom and Timetable Changes are updated.
- 13.11.2018 Others
- Office Hours Change due to Komaba Festival
- 09.11.2018 Others
- (To JEA Students Graduating in March 2019) Submission of "Graduation Thesis Title Notification Sheet" Deadline: 4:30p.m. on Thursday, November 22 Important
- 08.11.2018 Others
- Resident Assistant for PEAK Students (April to March Period of 2019-20), Application period: Tuesday, November 6 - 4:50 p.m. Monday, December 3, 2018
- 06.11.2018 Classes
- List of Supplementary Classes is updated.
- 05.11.2018 Others
- UTokyo WiFi Account
- 01.11.2018 Classes
- Lists of Intensive Courses are updated.
- 01.11.2018 Classes
- List of Classroom and Timetable Changes are updated.
- 31.10.2018 Classes
- List of Class Cancellations is updated.
- 31.10.2018 Others
- 《Globalization Office》TOEFL Explanatory Session on Nov 5 (in Japanese)
- 31.10.2018 Others
- 《UTokyo-UC Berkeley Strategic Partnership 》Lectures by Prof. John Lie (UC Berkeley) on Nov 28 and Dec 4
- 29.10.2018 Others
- 《Division for Health Service Center》Influenza Vaccination
- 25.10.2018 Others
- "Information Security Education" for All Users of the UTokyo Computer Services Important
- 23.10.2018 Classes
- List of Classroom and Timetable Changes are updated.
- 23.10.2018 Others
- Handling of Credits Earned at Overseas Universities ※Application Deadline: 4:50 p.m. Monday, November 12 Important
- 16.10.2018 Classes
- List of Classroom and Timetable Changes are updated.
- 15.10.2018 Others
- (Update)Earthquake Response Drill to be held on October 24th (Wed), 12:00- Briefing sessions on October 17th, Lunch time.
- 15.10.2018 Others
- Submission of "Graduation Thesis" and "Graduation Thesis Title Notification Sheet" by Students Graduating from Faculty of Arts and Sciences in March 2019
- 12.10.2018 Go Abroad
- 《Globalization Office》Study Abroad Post-Return Presentation October
- 12.10.2018 Classes
- Review/Correction Periods of A Semester/A1/A1 Term Course Registration
- 05.10.2018 Others
- Notice of Tuition Fee Payment and Direct Debit for the Second Half of AY2018
- 04.10.2018 Classes
- Lists of Class Cancellations, Supplementary Classes and Intensive Courses are updated.
- 03.10.2018 Classes
- List of Supplementary Classes is updated.
- 03.10.2018 Classes
- List of Classroom and Timetable Changes are updated.
- 03.10.2018 Classes
- Lists of Intensive Courses are updated.
- 03.10.2018 Classes
- List of Class Cancellations is updated.
- 01.10.2018 Classes
- Registration Forms for Sub-programs and Others AY2018
- 01.10.2018 Classes
- Registration for Sub-programs and others (PEAK Senior Divisin AY2018)
- 01.10.2018 Classes
- A Semester (including A1 and A2 Terms) AY 2018 Course Registration