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PEAK: Programs in English at Komaba

PEAK English Courses

Courses in English at the College of Arts and Sciences are collectively known as PEAK (Programs in English at Komaba), and consist of the 'International General Education Program' for students in the Junior Division, and the 'International Program on Japan in East Asia' and 'International Program on Environmental Sciences' for students in the Senior Division. The International General Education Program in the Junior Division is offered only to students who enter through the Admissions Office entrance system. The two Senior Division courses are open to students who enter the university through the General Screening Tests, the Special Screening Tests, and the Recommendation System.

The establishment of the program is a practical realisation of the university's mission to 'broaden student horizons by building a truly global campus with a diverse community of faculty and students from around the world', as outlined in the 'FOREST 2015 University of Tokyo Action Scenario' (drafted in March 2010).

Hence, while the University of Tokyo as a whole is involved in this program, the College of Arts and Sciences - with its experience in liberal arts education and advanced education and research based on the central concepts of 'interdisciplinarity' and 'internationality'- was designated to set up the above three programs with university-wide cooperation.

There are multiple ways to enter the PEAK Program. One is through the Admissions Office Entrance Exam, which is generally intended for students who have completed their primary and secondary education in a language other than Japanese. The selection of students by the Admission Office (AO) is based on a document screening and an interview. (c.f. https://peak.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/apply/index.html)

Students who are accepted through the Admissions Office Entrance Exam start their studies in September. In the first 2 years of study, they take the International General Education Program, and for the Senior Division (3rd and 4th year), in principle they progress to either the Japan in East Asia or Environmental Sciences course. The PEAK Program is primarily made up of students who enter through this Admissions Office Entrance Exam.

In addition, students who are admitted through the General Screening Tests and Special Screening Tests are able to take advantage of the major selection process and progress to the Japan in East Asia course or Environmental Science course.

Furthermore, it is possible for students to declare their major in Japan in East Asia or Environmental Science course in advance through the Entrance Exam by Commendation. Students who are admitted through the Entrance Exam by Commendation will enroll in the Junior Division curriculum for students accepted through General Admissions rather than the International General Education Program.

In addition, in the spirit of 'building a truly global campus', we strive to make the courses in the English programs open to students from other programs as much as possible. We hope that by actively participating in classes in English and by interacting with PEAK students, students from all around the university will have the opportunity to expand their global visions.

For more information on programs in English, please visit the PEAK website.


International Program on Japan in East Asia

In accordance with the philosophy of the University of Tokyo College of Arts and Sciences - that of 'interdisciplinarity' and 'internationalism'- students on the International Program on Japan in East Asia study a wide range of theories from the humanities and social sciences and their application, and examine Japanese and East-Asian culture and society from an international and interdisciplinary point of view. While this is an English medium program, the program also puts importance on the acquisition of a certain level of Japanese proficiency.

Graduates of this program are expected to pursue careers in fields such as international relations, private companies and public service in Japan or in their home countries, or in journalism. However, another path open to students is to build on their four-year learning experience to engage in advanced research in graduate schools overseas as well as in Japan, including the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Tokyo. In our graduate school, there is also GSP: Graduate Program on Global Society forming another option for our graduates.


International Program on Environmental Sciences

In accordance with the philosophy of the University of Tokyo College of Arts and Sciences - that of 'interdisciplinarity' and 'internationalism'- the International Program on Environmental Sciences integrates arts and sciences to conduct multi-faceted research on the complex problem of the environment. In addition to environmental policy, ethics and law, students also study topics such as the protection of biodiversity, the geochemical cycle and geophysics from the viewpoint of state-of-the-art technology and engineering. By approaching global environmental problems from a variety of perspectives, the program aims to contribute to the establishment and development of a sustainable society. To this end, in this program we aim to foster a wide range of human resources with a solid grounding in both arts and sciences by providing an integrated curriculum that encompasses the natural sciences as well as the humanities and social sciences.

Graduates of this program are expected to pursue careers in fields such as international relations, private companies and public service in Japan or in their home countries, or in journalism. However, another path open to students is to make use of their four-year learning experience to engage in advanced research related to the environment or energy in graduate schools overseas as well as in Japan in, for instance, the Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences and the Department of Multi-Disciplinary Sciences at the University of Tokyo's Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.


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