Events February 1, 2021
【Online】Inaugural symposium of the Institute of AI and Beyond "Living with AI, Going Beyond AI"
区分 |
研究会等 |
対象者 |
社会人・一般 ・ 在学生 ・ 教職員 |
開催日時 |
2021/ 2/ 20 10:00 ~ 12:00 |
開催場所 |
その他(オンライン) |
会場 |
Zoom Webinar and YouTube Live |
参加費 |
No charge |
申込方法 |
To participate via the Zoom webinar, pre-registration is required. 日本語: |
申込受付期間 |
2021/ 1/27~ 2/19 |
本文 |
The Institute for AI and Beyond combines the research capabilities of the University of Tokyo and business incubation capabilities of SoftBank (SoftBank Corp, SoftBank Group Corp., Yahoo Japan Corp) to bring together the leading talent and knowledge of the world to develop an ecosystem for creating research-based joint venture opportunities and their social implementation. It promotes "basic research (mid to long-term)" and "applied research ('high-cycle' research)" by integrating research on artificial intelligence and other fields and will contribute to the creation of a better society in Japan and the rest of the world. Please refer to the following page for details of the program. |
関連URL |
Japanese: |
お問合せ先 |
Institute for AI and Beyond, the University of Tokyo info* |