- 12.05.2020 Classes
- Caution: Rules for Online Classes Important
- 08.05.2020 Others
- [Updated] Submission of "Graduation Thesis" and "Graduation Thesis Title Notification Sheet" by Students Graduating from Faculty of Arts and Sciences in August 2020 Important
- 08.05.2020 Classes
- [To students who entered the Senior Division on or before AY2019] Notice of Cross-disciplinary Program "Trilingual East Asian Studies"
- 24.04.2020 Others
- [Revised]Notice of Tuition Fee Payment & Direct Debit Important
- 24.04.2020 Classes
- List of Classroom and Timetable Changes is updated.
- 24.04.2020 Others
- Handling of Credits Earned at Overseas Universities ※Application Deadline: Friday, May 15 Important
- 08.04.2020 Others
- NOTICE of Closure GO Counter Service
- 07.04.2020 Others
- Office Hours Change due to COVID 19 (April 8, 2020 - )
- 02.04.2020 Classes
- Registration Forms for Sub-programs and others AY2020
- 02.04.2020 Classes
- Registration for Sub-programs and others (PEAK Senior Division AY2020)
- 02.04.2020 Others
- [Updated][From Student Support Division] Exemptions/ Deferred Payment of Tuition for the First Half of 2020
- 01.04.2020 Others
- Notice of Tuition Fee Payment & Direct Debit
- 01.04.2020 Classes
- [To ES Students Graduating in March 2021] Registration of "Special Seminar" and "Special Research Work"
- 01.04.2020 Classes
- 2020 S Semester Timetables and Other Handouts
- 01.04.2020 Classes
- Request for change from Senior Division Liberal Art Courses to Liberal Arts Courses for Advanced Students
- 01.04.2020 Classes
- Note Introductory third foreign language courses that are offered jointly with the Junior Division courses Important
- 01.04.2020 Classes
- S Semester (including S1 and S2 Terms) AY 2020 Course Registration Important
- 27.03.2020 Others
- [Important]Closing the gates except for main gate at Komaba Campus (After Match 27th)
- 27.03.2020 Others
- To current and new students who have returned to or entered Japan on or after March 1st
- 27.03.2020 Others
- The status of the Komaba Campus regarding novel coronavirus infections has moved from Stage Yellow to Stage Orange Important
- 26.03.2020 Others
- Notice for Students: Ban on Extra Curricular Activities and Club/Circle Recruiting Activities in UTokyo
- 25.03.2020 Others
- Closing the gates at Komaba Campus due to entrance procedures (12:00 a.m. Thursday, March 26 - 17:00 p.m. Friday, March 27)
- 25.03.2020 Classes
- S Semester 2020 Timetables is uploaded. Important
- 19.03.2020 Others
- Message from Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences/ the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (For Students): On our course offering from April 2020 onwards Important
- 13.03.2020 Others
- To Students from the areas affected by the earthquake happened in Ishikawa Prefecture on March 13 Important
- 12.03.2020 Others
- List of Graduands for Spring 2020, College of Arts and Sciences (PEAK) Important
- 12.03.2020 Others
- Automatic Certificate Issuing Machines will be Out of Service : March 31, 3:00 p.m. - April 1, 10:00 a.m.
- 10.03.2020 Others
- Responding to infectious disease outbreak of the novel coronavirus: updated on March 10 Important
- 09.03.2020 Others
- Office Hours Change from March to April, 2020
- 09.03.2020 Others
- Submission of "Graduation Thesis" and "Graduation Thesis Title Notification Sheet" by Students Graduating from Faculty of Arts and Sciences in August 2020 Important
- 09.03.2020 Others
- Application Form: 2020/2021 Autumn Semester CAMPUS Asia Undergraduate Student Exchange Program with Yuanpei College, Peking University and College of Liberal Studies, Seoul National University
- 09.03.2020 Others
- 2020/2021 Autumn Semester CAMPUS Asia Undergraduate Student Exchange Program with Yuanpei College, Peking University and College of Liberal Studies, Seoul National University
- 05.03.2020 Events
- About Changes in the Diploma Presentation Ceremony and Commencement Ceremony 2020 Important
- 03.03.2020 Others
- Grade Confirmation Request 2019 A Semester
- 14.02.2020 Others
- Students Medical Check-ups Group-II : Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students (Excluding New Students Enrolled in April, 2020) and Research Students
- 06.02.2020 Others
- [From International Research and Cooperation Office] Undergraduate Student Exchange Program with Faculty of Science and Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore
- 31.01.2020 Others
- Responding to infectious disease outbreak of the novel coronavirus Important
- 23.01.2020 Events
- [From Globalization Office] Winter Study Abroad Advising Session
- 17.01.2020 Others
- Office Hours Change due to Entrance Exams and Spring Holidays
- 07.01.2020 Others
- [Repost]Submission of "Graduation Thesis" by Students Graduating from Faculty of Arts and Sciences in March 2020 Important
- 26.12.2019 Others
- "International Workshop on Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Public Health and Policy" (The University of Tokyo, 17 February 2020)
- 19.12.2019 Others
- To Students from the areas affected by the earthquake happened in Aomori Prefecture on December 19 Important
- 19.12.2019 Others
- [For ES students] Fri, January 10-Sat, January 11 at KIBER 314: Presentation for Graduation Thesis Project Important
- 18.12.2019 Events
- Academic Gown for University's Ceremony
- 17.12.2019 Classes
- List of Examinations & Reports is updated.
- 13.12.2019 Events
- 2020 Spring Commencement Ceremony
- 13.12.2019 Others
- [From General Affairs Section, General Affairs Division] Disposal of Abandoned Bicycles on Komaba campus
- 12.12.2019 Others
- To Students from the areas affected by the earthquake happend in Hokkaido on December 12 Important
- 12.12.2019 Others
- [From Globalization Office] Application for GO Tutors 2020 is now open!!
- 10.12.2019 Others
- Office Hours Change during the Year - end and New Year Holidays