


全学年  2021.06.24


・日時 ※6月28日(月)12:00~13:00
・場所 :オンライン開催
・対象 :学内向け
・事前申込 :不要

・主催 ※グローバリゼーションオフィス(学生留学アドバイザー)
・問い合わせ先:go*global.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp (グローバリゼーションオフィス)*を@マークに変更して送信。

Title: Everything About My Country
Date&Time: June 28(Mon)12:00~13:00
Abstract: During this session, former international exchange students will be presenting their home countries and home universities in English during lunchtime! Feel free to bring your lunch and join the Zoom. We will also provide a Q&A session after the presentations.
Venue: Online(Zoom): https://u-tokyo-ac-jp.zoom.us/j/85706511485?pwd=VFZOQUpSajVvRGl2WTBXSGUrOHM4UT09
*No registration needed, but for security reasons, please do login ZOOM with your ECCS account.
Fee:free of charge
Event URL: https://www.globalkomaba.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/event/20210628-00001763.html

Organized by: Globalization Office(GO Peer Study Abroad Students)
Contact address:go*global.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp (Please replace"*"to "@")
