


シンポジウム 2019.02.26

【グローバルFD委員会より】GFD ワークショップ 2019 | Frontiers in Higher Education: Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL)3/28

本ワークショップではPOGIL(Process Oriented Guided InquiryLearning)の導入とその実践家になるためのプロセスについて学びます。

日時 :2019年3月28日(木)09:30 - 16:30
場所 :東京大学駒場キャンパス 駒場国際教育研究棟(KIBER)314
対象 :本学の全ての教職員、学生
事前申込 :要
参加費 :無料
詳 細 :http://www.gfd.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/event/20190328-00001428.html
主 催 : グローバルFD委員会
イベント画像: http://www.gfd.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/albums/abm00022506.jpg

Title: GFD Workshop 2019 | Frontiers in Higher Education: Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL)
Synopsis: At the workshop you will receive a full hands-on introduction to POGIL and learn how to become a POGIL practitioner.
The workshop is designed to introduce participants to Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning and will explore the benefits of this approach to active learning in the classroom. Participants will experience a POGIL-based learning environment, analyze activities, understand how guided inquiry is structured in a POGIL classroom, and consider classroom facilitation and other issues related to the implementation of POGIL.

Date: Thursday, March 28, 2019 09:30 - 16:30
Venue: KIBER 314 - Komaba Campus, The University of Tokyo
Eligibility: All faculty, staff and students
Registration: Required
Fee: N/A
Info: http://www.gfd.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/event/20190328-00001428.html
Enquiries: Global Faculty Development (GFD) committee
Event poster: http://www.gfd.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/albums/abm00022506.jpg
