


それ以外 2023.06.14

(更新あり)【国連大学(UNU-IAS)】短期集中講座(UNU Intensive Core Courses)


国連大学サステイナビリティ高等研究所(UNU-IAS)では、サステイナビリティ・地球変動・国際開発プロジェクトをテーマにした 4週間の短期集中講座を、以下の通り実施予定です。



日時: 2023年9月1日(金)~9月29日(金)
開催形式: ハイブリッド形式
言語: 英語
詳細: 国連大学短期集中講座(日本語)


国連システムと持続可能な開発 "UN System and Sustainable Development''
地球環境の変化とプラネタリー・バウンダリー "Global Change and Planetary Boundaries''
国際開発プロジェクト原論 "Principles of International Development Project''

daigakuin.c [at] gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp ※[at]を@に変えること)宛に、以下の内容をメールでご連絡ください(7月に入ってから上記締切までに受信確認のメールをお送りしますので、必ずご確認ください)。


  • 件名 : 【UNU-IAS履修希望申請】氏名(学生証番号)
  • 氏名、学生証番号、所属専攻
  • 履修希望科目名(2科目を上限として履修が可能です)
  • 指導教員の了承を得たことがわかるメール(送信者、受信者のメールアドレス表示があるもの)
  • 指導教員から承認を得て書類を提出することを専攻事務に報告するメール(送信者、受信者のメールアドレス表示があるもの)
  1. 応募人数が定員を超える場合は、国連大学サステイナビリティ高等研究所(UNU-IAS)で受講者の選考を行います。
  2. やむを得ず履修をキャンセルする場合、速やかに総合文化大学院チームに連絡してください(8月中旬以降は履修を取り消すことができなくなります)。
  3. 協定校学生の受講料は、無料です。

UNU-IAS organises four-week UNU Intensive Core (IC) Courses focusing on the sustainability, global change and international development project online.
These courses are designed to provide analyses of global issues from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. Although advanced in nature, they are open to postgraduate students and professionals in various occupations who are not necessarily specialists in the field.
One course consists of fifteen 100-minute lectures.

Duration: 1-29 September 2023
Modality: Hybrid



Programme details:

UNU Intensive Core Courses(English)


UN System and Sustainable Development:
This course presents the institutional background and policy tasks of the UN system, and provides an
analytical framework to study complex issues ranging from reducing direct threats to peace, to
strengthening sustainable development as an indispensable condition for peace.
Global Change and Planetary Boundaries:
This course will cover the concepts related to global environmental changes, such as urbanization,
climate change and social transformations; their implications on food, water and health; and various
solutions including climate change adaptation and mitigation measures; and initiatives such as
Future Earth and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Principles of International Development Project:
This course has two sections: lectures and group work. In the lecture series, you can learn about the
core issues of developing countries, project evaluation methods, relationships between engineering
and international development, applications of Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
to preserve world heritage sites, natural disasters, and education in the context of international
development, and the case of an international plant construction project. The group work session
aims to develop a proposal for an international development project. Suppose you are an expert
consultant on a project, and it has been requested that you recommend development policies and
projects to politicians and/or economic leaders in a developing country.

How to Apply:
(for GPEAK students) Please refer to the following web page.
