


その他 2014.12.26

Photo Contest "Life at UTokyo"

Welcome to the Photo Contest “Life at UTokyo”!

The International Center Komaba Office is pleased to announce that we are hosting a photo contest. All current Komaba students are encouraged to submit photos describing their life at UTokyo.

The top 10 photos will be selected by vote of students, researchers, faculty, and staff members of the University of Tokyo, and will be displayed on the Komaba Campus. The best photos will be shown on the university’s official website.


Eligibility:                            UTokyo Students on the Komaba I and II Campus

Submission Period:            Wed., December 24, 2014 – Tue., January 13, 2015

Maximum:                          Up to 3 photos

How to Submit:                  Send photos as an attachment to ickomaba@global.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp

                                          Make sure to include the following information in the e-mail.

1.    Title of the photo(s)                   4.  Your year

2.    Short description                       5.  Your student ID number

3.    Your department                        6.  Your name


Period:                               Thu., January 15, 2015 – Fri., January 23, 2015

Method:                             At the International Center Komaba Office

                                         (21 KOMCEE West B1F, Mon-Fri, 10:00-17:00)

Announcement of Results

Announcement:                 Results will be announced at the International Center Komaba Office                                              (scheduled in late January)

Display:                              The top 10 photos will be displayed in the International Center Komaba Office


*The photo(s) must be original material and must be taken by the student who submitted them.

*Be sure to gain consent from everyone who is featured in the photo. The university bears no liability for any infringement on portrait rights.

*The best photos will be shown on the university’s official website and publications.

Photo Contest postercamera
