【国際戦略課より】 IARU Global Transformation Summer School 参加者募集
今年度、UCバークレーおよびコペンハーゲン大学主催にてSummer School "Borderland: Critical Approaches to Field Research in the Global Southが開催予定となっており、募集が開始しています。
IARU Summer School 2023
Borderland: Critical Approaches to Field Research in the Global South, Chiang Mai Thailand
3 July 2023 - 28 July 2023
Open for Advanced Undergraduate (Bachelor Level) and Postgraduate (Master Level) from IARU universities
Deadline for Applications: 1 April 2023
Information and Application Procedure: https://kurser.ku.dk/course/aana18107u/2022-2023
Detailed Description
Centering on the concept of "borderland" and the themes of migration, mobilities and immobilities that have emerged as among the most pressing 21st century challenges, that cut across 11 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, this UC-Berkeley - University of Copenhagen course, in collaboration with Chiang Mai University, engages students from multiple disciplines in thinking critically about the research process, epistemologies, and ethics in conducting research.
Students will interact with international and local scholars in structured seminars, and with communities and organizations working to address pressing local, regional and global issues through their placement with local NGOs and research projects.
Where: Chiang Mai, Thailand
Who: Advanced undergraduate (bachelor level) and postgraduate (master level) - open for IARU universities students from all disciplines.
Credit Points: ECTS 7,5
Stipend opportunities available
Testimonial here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUlQmYVXzuc
or here: https://blogs.ethz.ch/ETHambassadors/2019/10/10/life-in-the-borderlands-chiang-mai/
Application Deadline: 1 April 2023
Information and Application: https://kurser.ku.dk/course/aana18107u/2022-2023