







1 渡航に関して

 以下の項目すべてについて各自の責任で最新の情報を確認した上で、下記「3 研究上の渡航と入国に関するガイドライン」もしくは「4 教育・学習上の渡航と入国に関するガイドライン」に従ってください。研究・教育とは無関係な個人の資格による渡航であっても本通知の要請に従ってくださるようお願いします。

 (1-1)渡航先の危険情報について、外務省海外安全ホームページで最新情報を確認してください。感染症危険情報レベル2以上に指定されている国や地域への渡航は原則として一律中止してください。レベル1以下であっても、日本への再入国後には行動の制限が課される場合がありますので、渡航の必要性をじゅうぶんにご検討ください。再入国後の行動制限に関しては、下記「2 入国に関して」を参照し、これに従ってください。




2 入国に関して

以下の項目すべてについて了解した上で、下記「3 研究上の渡航と入国に関するガイドライン」もしくは「4 教育・学習上の渡航と入国に関するガイドライン」に従ってください。




3 研究上の渡航と入国に関するガイドライン

 上記「1 渡航に関して」および「2 入国に関して」を踏まえて、研究目的で渡航・入国する際には以下の諸点に留意して計画を立案してください。




 (3−4)大学院生を同行させるのは、それが研究上の必要であることが明らかである場合に限ります。教育目的での同行については下記「4 教育・学習上の渡航と入国に関するガイドライン」を参照してください。

4 教育・学習上の渡航と入国に関するガイドライン

 上記「1 渡航に関して」および「2 入国に関して」を踏まえて、大学院生であると学部生であるとを問わず、教育・学習目的で渡航・入国する際には以下の諸点に留意してください。渡航先の国・地域では厳しい行動制限が課せられる場合もありますし、渡航後の再入国に際しても、自宅待機など授業履修に影響を与えうる制限が課せられます。したがって、短期の渡航プログラムは、諸制限を考慮に入れてもなお顕著な教育的意義があるかどうか熟慮の上で実施可否を検討してください。



 (4-1-2)オンライン形式による代替措置が不可能な渡航計画に関しては、上記「3 研究上の渡航と入国に関するガイドライン」に準じて計画を立案してください。ただし、情勢急変のリスクがあることや渡航先や日本再入国時において諸制限が課せられることを参加者やその保護者(未成年学生の場合)に対して不足なく説明するとともに、誓約書などによって参加者やその保護者がそれらに関して了解していることを必ず確認してください。






(4-3-1)学生が公的であると私的であるとを問わ ず、個人で企画して行う海外渡航に関しては、上記「3 研究上の渡航と入国に関するガイドライン」に準じます。

(4-3-2)学生が帰省などのために出国する際には、再入国に際して上陸拒否や入国制限の対象となる場合がありますので、上記「2 入国に関して」に従って慎重に検討してください。



5 職員の渡航と入国に関しては、「3 研究上の渡航と入国に関するガイドライン」に準じます。

【関連情報収集のための各種ホームページ】 ・外務省海外安全ホームページ:https://www.anzen.mofa.go.jp/ ・外務省渡航登録サービス:https://www.ezairyu.mofa.go.jp/



・WHOホームページ(Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public):https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public




・留学生相談室・カウンセリング (日本語:https://www.globalkomaba.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/inbound/support/advising.html) (英語:https://www.globalkomaba.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/inbound/support/advising.html) ・駒場学生相談所:http://kscc.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ ・駒場保健センター精神科:http://dcs.adm.u-tokyo.ac.jp/mhs/offices/


June 17, 2020

To: Students, Faculty, and Staff

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences
Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences

Notification Regarding Overseas Travel and Entry to Japan During the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic

Due the global spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infections, we issued a "Notification Regarding Overseas Travel" on April 2, 2020, asking that students, faculty, and staff refrain from all overseas travel for the time being. On March 20, 2020, a request was issued (in Japanese only) to all students, faculty, and staff entering Japan from overseas asking that they manage their health for 14 days after landing in Japan. As the pandemic is now predicted to continue for a long while, we have prepared the following new travel guidelines regarding international activities for both research and educational purposes. We urge everyone to keep up with the latest information and to make plans accordingly.

Links to the websites mentioned below appear at the end of this document.

1. Travel from Japan to Other Countries

If you are thinking of traveling to or from Japan, confirm all of the following items and follow the guidelines given under either "3. Guidelines for Overseas Travel and Entry to Japan for Research Purposes" or "4. Guidelines for Overseas Travel and Entry to Japan for Educational or Study Purposes." Also follow the requests herein regarding personal travel for other purposes.

(1-1) Check the latest information regarding the risk levels of your intended destination on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' overseas safety site (in Japanese). As a rule, do not travel to any country or region with a risk level of 2 or above. Even if the level of your destination is 1 or lower, you may be subject to restrictions on your activities when you re-enter Japan, so consider carefully whether your trip is really necessary. Refer to "2. Entering Japan" regarding the restrictions you must follow after entering Japan.

(1-2) Check the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare's site about enhanced border restrictions (in Japanese) for the latest information about countries and regions from which entry to Japan is restricted.

(1-3) Check the Ministry of Justice's site about entry prohibitions related to the novel coronavirus (in Japanese) for the latest information about countries and regions from which entry to Japan is prohibited. Passport holders from those countries and regions may be denied entry to Japan even if they hold work or study visas, so check carefully whether you or anyone accompanying you might be affected by those prohibitions.

(1-4) If you are thinking of traveling outside Japan, check the government and embassy websites for your intended destinations to confirm the latest information about visa issuance restrictions, entry restrictions, quarantine procedures, and restrictions on activities.

2. Entering Japan

If you are thinking of entering Japan, confirm all of the following items and follow the guidelines given below under either "3. Guidelines for Overseas Travel and Entry to Japan for Research Purposes" or "4. Guidelines for Overseas Travel and Entry to Japan for Educational or Study Purposes."

(2-1) Check the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare's site about enhanced border restrictions (in Japanese) for the latest information about countries and regions from which entry to Japan is restricted. People coming from those countries and regions will be required to take a PCR test at the airport after entering Japan, stay at home for 14 days, and avoid using public transportation. If you are not able to arrange your own transportation from the airport to where you will stay or if you have not arranged for a place to stay in Japan, you will be required to stay in a facility designated by the Quarantine Station until the results of your PCR test are available. Please postpone your entry to Japan if you would be entering Japan for the first time and either you would have no place to stay or you would be unable to arrange your own transportation from the airport.

(2-2) Check the Ministry of Justice's site about entry prohibitions related to the novel coronavirus (in Japanese) for the latest information about countries and regions from which entry to Japan is prohibited. Passport holders from those countries and regions may be denied entry to Japan even if they hold work or study visas.

(2-3) If, after confirming the information in (2-1) and (2-2), you still intend to enter Japan, note that you will be required to manage your health (check your temperature, maintain healthful habits, avoid going outside, etc.) and not come to the university for 14 days from the date of your entry to Japan, regardless of whether or not you have had a PCR test and regardless of your point of origin and transit points. In that case, notify your department that you are in a 14-day health-management period. If you live in shared housing, minimize your use of lounges and other spaces that might be used by many people. If you were kept in quarantine by the MHLW as indicated in (2-1), then you may come to the university after the 14-day period, including the quarantine period, has ended. When coming to the university after the end of the 14-day period, follow the entry procedures required by the particular campus.

3. Guidelines for Overseas Travel and Entry to Japan for Research Purposes

If you are thinking of traveling overseas or entering Japan for research purposes, plan your trip in accordance with "1. Travel from Japan to Other Countries" and "2. Entering Japan" above and the following guidelines.

(3-1) As a rule, do not travel to any country or region indicated as having an infection risk level of 2 or above on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' overseas safety site (in Japanese).

(3-2) Even if the infection risk level of your destination is 1 or lower, restrict your activities after re-entering Japan as explained in "2. Entering Japan" above. Make arrangements with your department in advance to ensure that your work is handled appropriately after you re-enter Japan.

(3-3) Even if your overseas trip has already been approved by the Graduate School or the university as part of a sabbatical, an international project for young researchers, etc., be aware that you will bear all risks of travel yourself and consider carefully whether the trip is really necessary. If you decide to postpone your trip and your department is able to make the necessary arrangements, the Graduate School will make adjustments accordingly. Note that these guidelines do not prevent researchers from proceeding with departmental application procedures for future sabbaticals, international projects for young researchers, etc.

(3-4) Graduate students may accompany faculty on overseas trips only when clearly necessary for research purposes. For educational purposes, see "4. Guidelines for Overseas Travel and Entry to Japan for Educational or Study Purposes" below.

4. Guidelines for Overseas Travel and Entry to Japan for Educational or Study Purposes

If you are thinking of traveling overseas or entering Japan for educational or study purposes, plan your trip in accordance with "1. Travel from Japan to Other Countries" and "2. Entering Japan" above and the following guidelines. These guidelines apply to both undergraduate and graduate students. Some countries and regions have imposed strict restrictions on activities there; furthermore, after re-entering Japan, you will be subject to restrictions, such as staying home, that might affect your class participation. With regard to short-term study programs in particular, consider carefully whether participating in such a program would really be of significant educational value despite the restrictions.

(4-1) Short-term Study Abroad Programs

(4-1-1) Make every effort to substitute online learning for your study abroad program. The application of information technology to education has great potential, not only for online classes now during the COVID-19 pandemic but also for international education in the emerging Society 5.0 era.

(4-1-2) If you are planning a study abroad program that cannot be replaced with online learning, then plan your trip in accordance with "3. Guidelines for Overseas Travel and Entry to Japan for Research Purposes" above. Faculty must inform all participants and (in the case of minors) their guardians clearly and completely about the risks of sudden changes in conditions and the likelihood of restrictions on activities; they must also receive confirmation, such as through a signed statement, that those risks are understood.

(4-1-3) Do not conduct or participate in any short-term study abroad programs when the Komaba Campus is in Stage Red A or higher, when no face-to-face classes are permitted.

(4-1-4) If you do travel internationally for educational or study purposes, follow all of the regular safety rules and procedures specified by the university as well.

(4-2) Students Overseas Who Expect to Be Enrolled in the College or Graduate School

We anticipate that many students now overseas will be unable to enter Japan even after the start of the A semester, including PEAK/GPEAK students, regular students, special auditors, students doing supervised research, etc. Some students in Japan will similarly be unable to move to the Tokyo area. The College and Graduate School will make suitable arrangements for such students.

(4-3) Private Travel Overseas by Students

(4-3-1) All students planning international travel, whether for personal or university purposes, must follow "3. Guidelines for Overseas Travel and Entry to Japan for Research Purposes" above.

(4-3-2) Students considering leaving Japan for personal reasons, such as to visit their homes, may be subject to denied or restricted re-entry to Japan, so consider your plans carefully based on "2. Entering Japan" above.

(4-4) Long-Term Study Abroad

If you are planning to enroll in a long-term study abroad program, follow the instructions of the program's operators. While this notification does not apply to students who take a leave of absence in order to enroll in a long-term study abroad program, the restrictions on activities imposed by the College and Graduate School will apply to those students after they return to Japan.

5. Staff Members

Staff members traveling overseas or returning to Japan should follow "3. Guidelines for Overseas Travel and Entry to Japan for Research Purposes."

Related websites

MOFA's overseas safety site (in Japanese):https://www.anzen.mofa.go.jp/

MOFA's overseas travel registration service (in Japanese; for Japanese citizens):https://www.ezairyu.mofa.go.jp/

MHLW's site about enhanced border restrictions (in Japanese):https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/0000121431_00098.html

MOJ's site about entry restrictions related to the novel coronavirus (in Japanese):http://www.moj.go.jp/hisho/kouhou/hisho06_00099.html

WHO's coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public (in English):https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public

National Institute of Infectious Diseases information on novel coronavirus (mostly in Japanese, some in English):https://www.niid.go.jp/niid/ja/from-idsc/2482-corona/9305-corona.html

Counseling services

The following counseling services are available for people experiencing anxiety or other problems:

International Student Advisory Room:
https://www.globalkomaba.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/inbound/support/advising.html (in Japanese)
https://www.globalkomaba.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/inbound/support/advising.html (in English)

Komaba Student Counseling Center:http://kscc.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ (in Japanese)

Office for Mental Health Support:http://dcs.adm.u-tokyo.ac.jp/mhs/en/ (in English)
